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  • Leo Kottke - Injury and new playing styleDateFri Mar 09, 2012 8:03 pm
    Topic by Aaron. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    I was reading up on Leo Kottke and came across this info.

    In the early 1980s, Leo Kottke began to suffer from painful tendonitis and related nerve damage caused by his vigorous and aggressive picking style. As a result, he changed his picking style to a classical style, using the flesh of his fingertips and increasingly small amounts of fingernail rather than finger picks, and changing the positioning of the right hand to place less stress on the tendons. He also studied more classical and jazz-oriented compositional and playing techniques.

    Googling and looking at interviews trying to come up with some more info on exactly what part of his hand was injured and all of that.

    Anyone happen to have some info on this?


  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateFri Mar 09, 2012 11:52 am

    Good info. Thanks Ursin

  • Topic by Aaron. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    For those who have not seen this or forgot about it. Amazing videos..

    Always absorbing and frequently brilliant, Leonard Bernstein's The Unanswered Question is a very lucid and convincing discussion of music's history and forms, with particular emphasis on modern music. It addresses the average intelligent listener who is not musically trained but wants to know what makes music work--what is meant, for example, by "tonal" and "atonal." It requires some concentration, but Bernstein, a superb teacher, keeps technical jargon to a minimum, illustrates what he means with musical examples and graphics, and repeats key points.

    Delivered in 1973, the talks were transcribed for a book, but in it Bernstein insists "The pages that follow were written not to be read, but listened to," really an endorsement of the video edition. The talks are, in fact, performances. Television was always kind to Bernstein; he had magnetism and knew how to use it. To illustrate various points in his analyses, he plays the piano frequently, sings occasionally, and conducts significant works of key composers: Mozart, Beethoven, Berlioz, Wagner, Ravel, Debussy, Ives, Mahler, and Stravinsky.

    Bernstein traces the development of music from its origins to the 20th-century struggle between tonality (championed notably by Stravinsky) and atonalism (represented mainly by Schoenberg). The last two talks, devoted to these composers, are particularly enlightening, but all six are outstanding. He argues persuasively that humans are born with an ability to grasp musical forms, and that rules of musical syntax are rooted in nature--in mathematically measurable relations between tones and overtones.

    These talks are a key document. They coincide chronologically, as cause and/or symptom, with the movement of America's leading composers back from Schoenbergian forms toward a tonal orientation. Bernstein predicts and promotes this movement, which is still in progress. He is clearly an advocate of tonality, but he discusses atonal music with sympathy and understanding. --Joe McLellan

    Part 1






  • Question about online lessonsDateFri Mar 09, 2012 6:30 am
    Forum post by Aaron. Topic: Question about online lessons

    I think I am going to do the monthly to start out with. sounds awesome. every video I have seen has had priceless info inside.

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateWed Mar 07, 2012 1:57 pm

    and it really doesn't have to be the triadic stuff right away either. I have a million other things I would like to work on. I have glanced at the triadic stuff in the past and understand it enough to go further into it but I would like to learn the stuff from you. You are one of the very few guys out there who knows what the hell they are doing.

  • Yea the Pebber Brown charts are awesome. I mainly use the software to make my own diagrams for practice. scales/shapes ect.

  • Topic by Aaron. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    I was using Powerpoint and word for a long time and although it worked it was a pain in the ass lining up all the dots. took forever. Was going to start using adobe illustrator.. which is pretty awesome but overkill.. then I came across Neck Diagrams. It has saved me a TON of time.. what do you use? anything better than neck diagrams out there?

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateWed Mar 07, 2012 7:08 am

    Gotcha. I have been playing for about 21 years or so and have all my basic down. I do have holes in my playing though. LOTS to work on.
    Like a lot of guitar players I suck! Not sure where to start. I figured I would send you videos and or info of all the stuff I know and then we could go from there. That is what I meant from starting from scratch. If I pass through all the real basic stuff and take some lessons or do some video responses and I have my stuff together I would "like" to start learning some of the Triadic concepts applied to guitar.

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateMon Mar 05, 2012 12:18 am

    I do NOT want that! I must be missing something via internet text...

    just let me know what to do. I posted the how to take lessons online info to let you know I am serious about all of this and will start from scratch.

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateSun Mar 04, 2012 9:15 am

    I plan on taking lessons anyway so I might as well get to work on

    How to take the online lessons:
    1.) Get a good webcam with as little audio latency as possible ( Logitech is best)
    2.) Computer must be audio and video quality (2-3ghz machines are best)
    3.) Get a good FLATBED usb scanner (so you can scan your work and email it to me)
    4.) You need a good printer (Laser or Inkjet that can do graphics no problem)
    5.) A working email account
    6.) A working Youtube or Dailymotion account (create one if you don’t have one)
    7.) An external storage drive – (Microsoft Skydrive or are good)
    8.) You will need to allow me access to upload files to your external drive. I cat upload some files
    Thru regular email as they are too large for most email accounts so you need a free online drive
    And you need to give me access (password).
    9.) You need a good hardware real metronome or drum machine. Online software metronomes
    Are good and they are also free.
    Step 1.)
    Write down ALL the scale you know in all the positions you know and email them to me
    Write down ALL the chords you know in all the positions you know and email them to me.
    Step 2.)
    Webcam yourself playing the scales, saying the name of each scale OUT LOUD as you play it.
    Webcam yourself playing the chords, saying the name of each chord out loud as you play it.
    Upload the videos to your YouTube or DailyMotion account and email me the link.
    I can then see where you are at and design a workable lesson plan for you.

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateSat Mar 03, 2012 8:21 pm

    I know you are right.

    What knowledge/requirements would you recommend having before jumping into this stuff?

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateFri Mar 02, 2012 7:50 am

    Cool! going to search around and see if I can come find that book! I always take the modular approach anyway :)
    I would pay for some vids on you talking about this stuff!

  • Improve your Time FeelDateWed Feb 29, 2012 9:26 am
    Forum post by Aaron. Topic: Improve your Time Feel

    That guy is badass

  • The Triadic Chromatic Approach?DateTue Feb 28, 2012 10:26 am
    Topic by Aaron. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    Hi guys

    anyone on here work with this Triadic Chromatic Approach stuff yet? Thoughts?

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