Profile for chan


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Date registered 12.25.2012
Last online: 12.02.2013
Sex: not specified

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chan has replied to a post
Tue May 07, 2013 5:38 pm | jump to post

Thank you for suggesting Lenny Breau! I really enjoy his music and that documentary was fascinating. I ended up getting bourbon street. I am really motivate to practice now.

chan has replied to a post
Sun May 05, 2013 7:23 am | jump to post

Thanks a lot! I ordered Sid Jacobs book on playing Evans songs. And Lenny is awesome! I've heard of him before, but never really looked into him. What is a good first album to get by him that showcases his chord melody playing and isn't really expensive?

chan has created a new topic in the forum

chan has created a new topic in the forum
Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:58 amBeaming


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