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  • Questions form a noobieDateWed Oct 30, 2013 10:12 am

    Thanks for the input.

  • Questions form a noobieDateMon Oct 28, 2013 4:49 pm

    Hi everyone, I am new to forums and to pebber brown. There is a wealth of information and I don't know where to begin.
    I am interested in Classic Metal -Rock ie Van Halen & Randi Rhodes and Classical style guitar. I know open postion chords and E, A, m, m7 form barre chords. I know 7 positions of the Major scale and the 5 positons of the Pentatonic scale. Also, I would like to hear from those who have taken online lessons with pebber and what that experience was like.



Content created by Jeffery Hogue
posts: 2
place: Danville, Ky
Sex: male

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