Here's the 'Satch Boogie' lesson by Satriani himself:
Compare this info with the tab you have... I'm pretty convinced the tab would be way different from original
at some crucial spots.
It's very hard to find a good tab of any song, even if author is considering his transcription as his life's work.
In this case, we have video to compare with, but what if all info comes just from the tab? How to check if it's right?
Rely on your ears man, or if it's some faster music to our ears, get a software that can do ?time stretch'(slow down)
for you, without losing original pitch, do *time stretch', and listen and compare. Using tab as a suggestion in which
direction to figure out the song is fine, for reference etc, but taking tabs too seriously are doing nothing more than
making ourselves lazy.
So, what to do with tabs of 'Satch Boogie'... one tab shows natural harmonic on D, some other tab shows natural
harmonic on G etc... and I'm pretty convinced too, that Satch plays this squeal on B string. You can actually hear open
B string under the harmonic, right...
He drops the whammy down on B string into 'drop dead' tuning with his left hand, does a pinch harmonic with a pick
and thumb, and brings whammy back from the dead and pulls it above the tuning for the whole least, it's the
case in this video above...4 octaves higher B note bent into C#, produced with whammy bar and pinch harm.
I don't have original recording to compare, but I think that's played that way on a record too.
...and not to mention how some tabs of 'Satch Boogie' sucks even with the easiest parts to figure out.