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  • Video showing my left hand technique...DateFri Jun 18, 2010 1:31 pm

    From watching, I can see you have definitely dedicated some time to getting these drills down.
    Don't worry about "sucking", you are better than me and many others.
    Keep doing the drills every day and they will get easier and easier.
    Soon your fingers will do what you ask without fighting you, and will practically know where to do by themselves.
    I think it would be great to do exactly the same video each month so you can see your progress.
    I hope that it would motivate you to keep on practicing and getting better each day.

    Excellent Vid.


  • PICKING ForumDateSun May 23, 2010 11:59 am
    Forum post by loopster. Topic: PICKING Forum

    From looking at the little vid on the website a couple things catch my eye right away.
    1. Crappy echo type guitar sound that tries to give the impression he is playing faster than he/she really is. (Clean it up!)
    2. He/She doesn't keep her finger behind the neck. Every time the fingers are squeezed the neck moves sideways.
    (Remember: Always put your thumb behind the neck!)
    3. He/She need to spend a lot of time re-learning left hand fingering techniques. Making your fingers fly around is a big waste of energy.
    4. The picking technique used is with the palm firmly planted against the guitar body and moving the whole hand to move the guitar pick.
    This appears to be a big waste of energy compared to just moving your fingers via scalpel picking. This technique also keeps you from moving your hand to different positions on the string or neck. Very tight, rigid and limiting. Loose and relaxed is much better.

    Overall, it looks like many other sites that really only want your bucks. There doesn't seem to be any formal training by the instructor, he just works really hard at a poorly executed technique and has mastered it pretty well. Following in these footsteps will probably lead you into
    the same rut he is in and will limit your ability to play different things.
    But, if you think he is the greatest shredder of all times and you want to shred exactly like him/her, have fun. Otherwise, open your eyes and see what PB teaches you for free.

Content created by loopster
posts: 2
place: Palmdale, CA
Sex: male

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