Profile for janine


General information
Name: Janine
Location: Australia
Occupation: Business owner
Hobbies: Guitar, Reading, learning, gardening , practicing guitar, learning songs on guitar listening to music
Date registered 03.02.2016
Date of birth: 22. August 1970
Last online: 06.15.2020
Sex: female

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janine has replied to a post
Sun May 24, 2020 3:14 pm | jump to post

Hi I am Janine and would like to be in included in the group.

janine has replied to a post
Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:41 am | jump to post

Hi Cory, Welcome! I am relatively new myself. I joined last year, but, had too much in the way of work to practice properley, so am getting into it now. you will find there is plenty to do in the way of practice. How are you finding module 1.? If you have any questions, pop them on the forum, and you will get a response.Enjoy your guitar journey, and let us know how you are going. Janine.

janine has replied to a post
Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:30 am | jump to post

Thanks for your reply Farelli, I am glad I am on the right path with the scalpel picking. will post another video when i feel there is some improvement. hopefully sometime next week, if I am not being too optimistic.!!

janine has replied to a post
Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:40 am | jump to post

Sorry folks ... try this again , Having troubles
janine has replied to a post
Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:23 am | jump to post

RE : Thanks Farelli for the help.
janine has replied to a post
Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:22 am | jump to post

Hello Pebber, Adam, and everyone on the forum. I am sorry I have been away for a long time. I joined the forum and subscribed to Pebber's lessons. Life got in the way, and now I am back to make a concentrated effort to practice. I have been doing scalpel picking the past 4 days, and was just wanting to know if I am on the right path with it. I realize i have a lot of work ahead of me. Thanks Janine.Sorry folks here it is ....http://youtube/sSXrvDX0Utc
janine has created a new topic in the forum
Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:39 amJanine's first video scalpel picking

janine has created a new topic in the forum
Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:21 pmHello I am new here.


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