Profile for sammydee


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Date registered 06.08.2012
Last online: 06.15.2012
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sammydee has replied to a post
Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:13 pm | jump to post

(sorry for accidental double post)If I may respectfully offer my opinion on this whole issue...Pebber, you're a good teacher, I liked your down to earth style and you're putting some good information out there that motivated, aspiring guitarists can apply to improve their playing.My advice for what it's worth would be to disable youtube comments, and direct people to this forum in the video description. There are two types of people out there, people that wanna learn and people that already thin...
sammydee has replied to a post
Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:05 pm | jump to post

If I may respectfully offer my opinion on this topic...There are two kinds of people out there. People who want to be taught and people who already think they know how to do it. You're a great teacher Pebber, I really liked your style and you put a lot of no bullshit good information out there.My suggestion? Disable comments on youtube. Leave a note saying that if someone is interested they can come on the forum to ask. The people who really

sammydee has replied to a post
Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:40 am | jump to post

ZitatThanks buddy, I feel a little embarrassed now, watched that video three times already and managed every time to miss the important bit in the first 30 seconds where it shows rather obviously exactly how to do it. I guess it's just counter intuitive.I'm assuming that this technique be applied to acoustic guitar as well as electric?Sam

sammydee has replied to a post
Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:28 pm | jump to post

Chill pebber dude.I've been working through the videos from oldest to newest so the only ones I saw were the oldest, where (I presume) you first explain the technique. I just wanted to clear up some confusion real fast and I knew someone could answer in five seconds if I posted here, rather than (potentially) wait hours before hitting the exact right video with the right close up.Isn't that what forums are for?

sammydee has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:48 amProper picking direction
sammydee has replied to a post
Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:17 am | jump to post

Thanks a bunch for the replies guys. For barre chords my thumb naturally sinks down fairly low, it's only really A, G, B7 chords that I need to push my thumb up higher.I will start out by getting the neck up at a higher angle. I think part of my problem is that the last six months I have been traveling South America. The only guitar I've had access to is this travel guitar:It has a very small body which makes it somewhat awkward to hold and impossible to get any leverage on with my right arm. I'...

sammydee has created a new topic in the forum
Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:39 amProper wrist/hand position when playing chords


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