Profile for andygelband


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Date registered 06.10.2013
Last online: 09.13.2013
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andygelband has replied to a post
Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:32 am | jump to post

Quote: uderoche wrote in post #206Quote: andygelband wrote in post #204Ok - thanks for the info. I know this sounds like a stupid question.....but how do you position your hand correctly.....I guess it's just practice but as I've always pivotted to pick, finding the string with a floating hand is going to be a particular challenge.The floating hand is a challenge but it will come around with much practice. Actually, the floating of the hand is a huge part of it...along with the actual twisting...
andygelband has replied to a post
Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:47 am | jump to post

Quote: pebberbrown wrote in post #151Heres a guy doing Van Halen Style tremolo picking which is almost IDENTICAL in every way to Sarod picking except these Van Halen guys are only doing it on single string - never any scales or multiple strings. But the motion is the same - this is good footage and this guy has it down (on one string). Eddie footage is all over YouTube and I dont have time to sift through the mass amount of it to find the passages where he does the tremolo picking but its th...
andygelband has replied to a post
Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:18 am | jump to post

Ok - thanks for the info. I know this sounds like a stupid question.....but how do you position your hand correctly.....I guess it's just practice but as I've always pivotted to pick, finding the string with a floating hand is going to be a particular challenge.I guess the motion (in its broadest context) is more akin to strumming.....I guess what I'm trying to say (badly) is that I strum, accurately and with the dynamics I choose, without I just have to get used to it. When d...
andygelband has replied to a post
Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:13 am | jump to post

He's been discussed elsewhere on your forum. He's a very good side to side wrist action alternate picker. Not promoting him or putting him down - I'm all about the peace and love I'm working from home....well supposed to be working but can't put down this Sarod thing.....loving it!
andygelband has replied to a post
Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:10 am | jump to post

wow, I love the fact you guys share this generous! Thank you :)I have a passing knowledge of this stuff but haven't drilled it into my brain enough to use it in anger.....
andygelband has replied to a post
Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:23 pm | jump to post

Got it - thanks so much ashan!
andygelband has replied to a post
Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:12 pm | jump to post

Hi guys,I've gone back to the very first post in this thread but I can't see the video referred to. Can anyone help?Thanks,Andy

andygelband has replied to a post
Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:48 am | jump to post

Thanks guys. Damon - I have seen the videos of PB doing the different techniques. I'm a bit of a guitar whore so I'm constantly checking out songs and videos and techniques and then something will make me focus on one of these. I've been looking at PB's things for a couple of years...(but I've only just started applying myself to it)...and in fact, not sure if you've ever had one of 'those' moments. For me it's a memory of a jam with an old group I played for where for a few seconds my picki...
andygelband has replied to a post
Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:15 am | jump to post

Thanks for that I've taken a read through - I'm not entirely there in my understanding. I don't stiff arm pick on the guitar anymore - thankfully. I do use strict alternate wrist stuff and I have my eye on Sarod picking - already getting somewhere as per my other post which you are more than welcome to comment on From Pebber's reply on Scott's thread it seems that the scalpel picking advantage is as much about relaxing the hand (not locking the thumb stiff) which makes a lot of sense in term...
andygelband has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:11 amNoob Scalpel picking


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