
Best Daily Practice - Module - Part 1 question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:00 pm
by TonyN • 2 Posts

Hello, I am new here. I *luckily* stumbled upon Pebber's YouTube videos while searching for improving my playing.

I have a problem finding the PDF's on this site to correspond with the YouTube videos. Now I did find that the "NeoClassical Picking Exercise.pdf" under "Right Hand Exercises on the "Guitar Lessons PDF Files page.

But that only gets me so far on this first video for daily practice.

For instance, at 39:11 in the video he is doing Exercise 3 (2 strings of the Amaj. scale) of the NeoClassical Picking Exercise.

But then at around 50:30 he talking about using Pentatonic scales and he shows the A minor Pentatonic scale on the neck. But then he shows extending the pattern up the neck. Is this shown in any of the PDF's instruction sheets? It's like he went from Exercise 3 to something I can't find in the PDF's. Am I missing something?

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RE: Best Daily Practice - Module - Part 1 question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:14 pm
by ferretwraith • 14 Posts

I think you missed two things.

One is that module 1 is exclusively about improving your picking. He is still showing you the same(ish) exercise of picking on adjacent strings, just suggesting some different scales and notes you can play to preserve your sanity while you learn to mechanically pick the same 6 strings for hours/years. There was no intention of teaching you the actual scales.

You also missed and would probably enjoy... the video I can't find that was all about using pentatonic scales to work on your picking. It focused on E minor pentatonic though, http://www.pbguitarstudio.com/pdf_files/...tring_Pairs.pdf - he was applying the same concept to A minor in the video you watched.

It can be very helpful to actually print the lesson sheets, get a binder going with some dividers to sort them by module, and then add in whatever else you feel would help you understand them better, songs you would like to play, etc.

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RE: Best Daily Practice - Module - Part 1 question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:10 am
by TonyN • 2 Posts

Thanks ferretwraith for your helpful reply. Much appreciated.

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RE: Best Daily Practice - Module - Part 1 question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:18 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Nobody looks around my website or puts out much effort at all. Heres the page (available on the website if you look)
for the Pentatonic book and it comes with 15 HOURS of videos.

Pentatonic E-Book!

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RE: Best Daily Practice - Module - Part 1 question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:21 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

IM friggin digging the double patterns. :)

Last edited Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:22 am | Scroll up

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