
Online Lesson Question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:06 pm
by monty522 • 2 Posts

Hey ya'll. The price is right w/ Pebber and his style seems cool. I really dig the video feedback.

Do the lessons come with suggestions on what to work on between the videos?

I really learn well with very structured, somewhat rigid curriculum that comes one after the other. My previous lessons have been a bit too freeform. I just want to know what it is I am working on per day. Thanks.

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RE: Online Lesson Question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:12 am
by BrianTX • 13 Posts

The videos are of the maestro demonstrating what you need to practice; there are no suggestions (none needed.) He is demonstrating how to practice and what to practice. You then incorporate what is in the video into the Daily Practice Routine.

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RE: Online Lesson Question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:51 am
by monty522 • 2 Posts

Alright, cool. So with that schedule, you only start hitting topics after he goes over them? I understand he likes a lot of time spent on the instrument, but a few hours a day when I am first getting back into it seems pretty intense.

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RE: Online Lesson Question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:02 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

All you guys are a bunch of fucking wimp dog pussies!

I took lessons from all the Masters - they all give you materials to practice.
And expected you to put in the time. I used to practice 10-11 hours a day.
Buckethead regularly practiced 14 hours a day. You cant handle 2hrs?
You will always forever be mediocre and suck at guitar.

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