
Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:34 pm
by Ivan • 45 Posts

Hi guys,

Quick question from a beginner: I'm working through the Gmaj scale in sequences. I'm onto 4ths but I have a feeling I'm doing it wrong. The Gmaj scale starts on G, so is that the 1st note or is F# the 1st note? When I play it in 3rds, I play
F#/A (1-3) then G/B (2-4) etc. So have I started on the wrong note with F#? Sorry if it's a redundant question. I'm a complete beginner to theory and I'm doing my best haha. Thanks guys!

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:31 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Hi Ivan,

I'd like to try to help but im a beginner as well so lets think up loud:

G Major = G A B C D E F# G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

G -> B = 3rd
A -> C = 3rd
B -> D = 3rd
C -> E = 3rd
D -> F# = 3rd
E -> G = 3rd
F# -> A = 3rd

I think youre doing in right but you start at the "wrong" note but your intervals a a 3rd. I think youre starting at the 7th scaletone of the Gmajor scale. You're writing in your post F#-A = 1-3 but that is wrong if you play a Gmaj scale the G is always the 1 (tonic).

So if you play a D maj the 1 will be the D etc for all other scales

I hope this answer is clear for you and will help you a bit.

grtz Ray

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:41 pm
by uderoche (deleted)

It doesn't matter what note you start on. You can start on G. You can start on F#. It's still the G major scale.

Just count up 3 notes in the scale. Or count up 4 notes in the scale. Or...know your intervals. A minor third is 3 half steps a major third is 4 half steps and a perfect fourth is 5 half steps. A minor third is called a minor third because it is smaller in distance compared to a major third.

F#--->A (minor third)
G--->B (major third)
A--->C (minor third)


In fourths (in the key of G Major) a Perfect fourth is 5 half steps

F#--->B (perfect fourth)
G--->C (perfect fourth)
A---D (perfect fourth)



Last edited Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:52 pm | Scroll up


RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:29 am
by deltadiscos • 321 Posts

G is the first note/tonic of the g major scale
but if you are playing in the first position it does start on scaletone 7/F#
sounds like you are doing fine
why not pop a video up.

You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
One note can say a million words........It can also take a million notes to say one word
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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:52 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Funny Ivan made this thread cause i started the same day on trying to play the G maj scale in 2nds and 3rds.

@ Ursin,
So starting the Gmaj scale on the F# is not the 7th mode? I thought if I play the G maj scale in 3rd but starting on the 7th tone (F#) i would have to call it F# Locrian played in 3rds. Or is F# Locrian also called G maj? Appreanatly i do not understand these modes yet for that reason I was not completly sure about my answer.

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:45 pm
by dlraben • 278 Posts

Don't get hung up on the various ways one can name a string of notes. G Ionian, F# Locrian, A Dorian, etc. Save that for later, and it's debatable how much knowing the language will help you. It *may* ultimately help you communicate musical ideas to and from others, but just playing ideas is another way to communicate ideas to and from others as well.

When you're playing these scale sequences, the biggest 2 goals are to get the sound of them in your head (sing them!) and to learn the shapes each of the intervals make all over the fretboard. Just don't worry about what note you're "supposed" to start on or end on. There are no rules like that. Get the sounds in your head and play them everywhere you can.

Instead of reading this you should be practicing. Slowly. With a metronome.
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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:23 pm
by Guitar Player • 83 Posts

Quote: Ray1981 wrote in post #5
Funny Ivan made this thread cause i started the same day on trying to play the G maj scale in 2nds and 3rds.

@ Ursin,
So starting the Gmaj scale on the F# is not the 7th mode? I thought if I play the G maj scale in 3rd but starting on the 7th tone (F#) i would have to call it F# Locrian played in 3rds. Or is F# Locrian also called G maj? Appreanatly i do not understand these modes yet for that reason I was not completly sure about my answer.

Yes, Ray.......

G Major G to G = G Ionian(G major scale)

G Major A to A = A Dorian

G Major B to B = B Phrygian

G Major C to C = C Lydian

G Major D to D = D Mixolydian

G Major E to E = E Aeolian(E minor)

G Major F sharp to F Sharp = F Sharp Locrian.

As dlraben said in his post that it isn't important to know names of stuff for now. Getting the sound of the scales in your head is the important thing to begin with and also the technique down to be able to play the scale correctly and using good form.

Last edited Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:31 pm | Scroll up


RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:01 pm
by Ivan • 45 Posts

Ok great thanks guys.
I'm just sorting out a way to upload a clip now. I'm not up to modes yet so as long as I'm doing roughly the right thing as far as fingering im happy. Incidentally I'm learning the Gmaj in position 1 , plus the pentatonic form and arpeggio of that position. Should I work on pos 1 in 3rds 4ths and up to octaves before moving onto pos 2? It will take me 2 years to learn at this rate lol! How did you guys learn it? Thanks btw.. Really helpful peeps on here

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:30 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Hey Guys,

Thanks for your answers I get your points and will not think to much about the names. And focus and the fingering and sounds.

Ivan Uploading i quite easy with youtube than you can put the link here in the forum under "video einfugen" remember to make it aa HTTP link and NOT HTTPS. I had some issues with that. How to learn this kind of stuff I leave that answer up to the specialists as I'm learning this stuff as well at the moment. But im looking forward to see a video from you.

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:35 am
by uderoche (deleted)

G major = G A B C D E F# G
F# Locrian = F# G A B C D E F#

But what is G A B C D E F# G A? or F# G A B C D E F# G?

When you look up "modes" in a book or on the internet they tell you C to C is Ionian, D to D is Dorian, etc but, this is purely academic. It will help you pass a test in your "Intro to Music Theory" class your first semester of college, but that's all it is good for.

These names don't mean much. They help put a label on things, and that is good to know, but the sound is more important. It's how you twist the notes that make them sound a certain way.

Look at it this way, what is the relative minor of G major? E minor. The notes are the same. What makes it different?

Same with the modes.

Don't worry about the names right now. Just get the sound of G major in your head.

As far as when to move on to another position, do that today! Play position 1 in thirds then play position 2 in thirds. You do not need to play position 1 thirds to octave before moving to position 2. You can always come back.

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:21 am
by Guitar Player • 83 Posts

Quote: Ray1981 wrote in post #9
Hey Guys,

Thanks for your answers I get your points and will not think to much about the names. And focus and the fingering and sounds.

Ivan Uploading i quite easy with youtube than you can put the link here in the forum under "video einfugen" remember to make it aa HTTP link and NOT HTTPS. I had some issues with that. How to learn this kind of stuff I leave that answer up to the specialists as I'm learning this stuff as well at the moment. But im looking forward to see a video from you.

That is the way to do it just focus on playing the scale in all of the positions in the 5 position system. Concentrate on just this for now after you have done this then you be thinking about finding out the names of the various modes and also learning what scales and modes work well with particular chords. But that is after you have got the 5 position system down.

The more you practice though the less amount of time it will take you to go onto other things.

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:12 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

So here is my attempt of playing the G maj scale. I have done it in 2nds and 3rds. All in the 1st position though i know the scale now in 4 position i'd like to tell. When I know pos 5 as well i will make a video of this as well if there is interest in this?
I played it at 60 BPM in 8th notes (I tried i have to say). But i still need to practice on my timing offcourse this is in progress im using everyday at for 30 min a metronome and playing scales or picking exercises. So I think this is just keep on doing this for months and i will slowly improve with this (i hope).

When study these intervals i tried to memorize the shapes as well so i know what is M2, m2 or M3, m3.

2nds: M2-M2-m2-M2-M2-M2-m2
3rds: M3-m3-m3-M3-M3-m3-m3

Lets see what you guys think about this.

Grtz from Brazil

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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:21 am
by uderoche (deleted)
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RE: Gmaj scale sequences question

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:40 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

yes i will keep going on with this, this was only 1 pos so 4 more to go up to uctaves i guess.
But i think by learning the fingerings of M2, m2, M3 etc youll getting good, right?
The fingerings are always the same (offcourse 3rd to 2nd) string is different.

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