Profile for Ray1981


General information
Location: Brazil & The Netherlands
Occupation: Electrical Commissioning Engineer
Hobbies: Music
Date registered 06.22.2014
Date of birth: 6. November 1981
Last online: 04.11.2016
Sex: male


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Ray1981 has replied to a post
Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:45 am | jump to post

Welcome Stratocaster1 you will enjoy it here for sure the forum has a lot of dedicated people.
Ray1981 has replied to a post
Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:04 am | jump to post

Quote: aethermachine wrote in post #3Lately I've been looking at how Dave Matthews plays, and good god, he plays some monster voicings. I know a lot of people think its cool to hate on Dave Matthews, and I suppose I can take most things in stride since music subjective, but listening to the first few albums again after a long break, the guitar work on there is complex. The reason being he composed his songs to include the entire arrangement of the band, not just writing "guitar" parts, and thi...
Ray1981 has replied to a post
Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:59 am | jump to post

I never got negativer troll responses here true. These kind of assholes shoul;d be banned from the forums for ever. They confuse people.
Ray1981 has replied to a post
Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:50 am | jump to post

Wow ok i did not know that Pebber im sorry!

Ray1981 has replied to a post
Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:23 am | jump to post

Hey Flinty Welcome to the forum, I dont think you can buy all the videos in one time. But what you could do is take a subscription and tell Pebber that you are only interested in the Theory videos he will send you than only the theory lessons. It the theory lessons are a total of 29 videos if you take a subscription for 3 videos a month it would take you 10 months.I hope this answers you question

Ray1981 has replied to a post
Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:37 am | jump to post

Great idea Pebber!!!
Ray1981 has replied to a post
Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:28 am | jump to post

Im ot sure if I undeerstand your question completely maybe a video of you showing what you would like to ask and demonstrating it with the guitar would help. Anyhow if you chromaticaly descent from 12 to 9 with finger 4 till 1 you should fret and hit first finger 4 on the 12 string than pull finger 4 to your palm and fret finger 3 on the 11th fret than hit it and so forth. As pebber said there a dozens of videos about this subject from Pebber makes search on youtubeI hope will help
Ray1981 has replied to a post
Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:18 am | jump to post

You can ask many many questions here on the forum there are several people who are willing to answer them and could give great advise. I dont beleive pebber is counting the amount of questions you ask but as he mentioned before he is pretty bussy during the school season.

Ray1981 has replied to a post
Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:47 am | jump to post

agree this is very anoying. deleting these profiles doesnt work I think because they make new profiles all the time.

Ray1981 has replied to a post
Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:46 pm | jump to post

Well its easier to have the pdf allready instead of making screenshots. That was the only reason I was searching for the pdf. My apologizes Adam!!!!!!


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