Hi my name's Keith. I've been going through the website and watching all of PB's videos on You Tube for some time now. He is clearly an expert teacher and player. One concept has captivated me more than the rest; Pebber has made this statement:
"I firmly believe that the Guitar itself is the best information source."
One would not state such as dogma with a lifetime of study and practice behind it without having made some profound observations about the matter. And I agree with it completely.
I feel as if this is a much deeper subject than it looks on the surface--one that merits careful examination, robust discussion and thorough meditation.
There is information in the Guitar and I would like to know what it is.
What does the instrument itself teach? What does it have to say? Does the Guitar also channel information from sources beyond the player?
I know there are times my guitars talk to me. Those moments are illuminating...AHA!!! moments--- but all too rare.
I'm very interested to get others' perspective and experience on this idea. It is an alien concept to the unenlightened for certain albeit it can be discovered through diligent effort. To actualize the Guitar's elucidation of what the seeker wants to find is phenomenal even for those who seek it in earnest.
How do you get the guitar to speak more clearly and to relay its message at times when the listener/player is most receptive? What have you learned from your Guitar?
I am genuinely interested to find what others have discovered.

You only have part of the quote. ", and that music itself is the best teacher." It's in reference to some of the best guitarists being self taught.
An analogy... maybe the guitar is the dictionary and music is the language.
My guitar doesn't talk to me. But, it gives me dirty looks if I've been slacking lately.
About channeling sources: We work on dexterity and theory until it becomes second nature. It let's us play things in the moment without thinking about it. It just happens. Kind of like blinking.
The guitar has no message. It's just the platform between your soul an someone's ears and hopefully their soul. PHEWW!
Talk it then walk it.

You have a point I did use only the first part of PB's quote. In my mind the Guitar is music. They are unified.
Quote: heyman wrote in post #2
The guitar has no message.
Why not?
How you define being self-taught? To be self-taught means you glean information directly from its source and learn how to apply it to do work. You still have to break eggs to make omelets. What happened when the first guy upended a hollow log and stretched a skin over and hit it with a stick?
Information is worthless without a message. It relies on a sender, a message and a receiver. There is a feedback loop that is inherent in learning. A practitioner is capable of being both sender and receiver and so is a guitar.
Is music waves in space?

RE: Guitar As Teacher
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:55 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
The guitar will teach you if you map out all the notes/scales and chords. Voice leading done in a visual manner then applied to physical playing. Take a diminished scale and map it out all over the neck. Can you do that? Then from the diminished scale map out the playable chords. Then for vpice leading you can take any note of a diminished chord anlower it a half step and it becomes the root of a Dom 7th chord which is V7 chord in major, melodic minor an harmonic minor. If you take any root of a dim 7th chord and raise it a halfstep it becomes the b7 of a mi7b5 chord which is the vii chord in a major or harmonic minor key or a vi and vii in melodic minor key. So for each dim chord there are 4 adjacent dom7 chords and 4 adjacent mi7b5 chords and then the diminished chord repeats every 3 frets so you can them map out 12 Dom 7th chord sand 12 mi7b5 chords within a 3 fret space before repeating inversions. The guitar will teach you all that if you map it out on your own. Then you have to practice what you mapped out. This is what the meaning of that statement means.

Quote: pebberbrown wrote in post #4
Take a diminished scale and map it out all over the neck. Can you do that?
No sir, not yet. I have a predilection for four letter words, but, "can't" isn't one of them!! I am going to get started on it right now.
Quote: pebberbrown wrote in post #4
The guitar will teach you if you map out all the notes/scales and chords. Voice leading done in a visual manner then applied to physical playing. The guitar will teach you all that if you map it out on your own. Then you have to practice what you mapped out. This is what the meaning of that statement means.
Thank you for the expert advice and for allowing me to take part in this forum.

Thanks Pebber for the in depth post. I'm not good with diminished anything. I haven't really practiced it.
So..There are inversions of a given dim. chord moving up the fret board. When I see a dim. chord in a piece of music, how do I know which one to play? Man, I got to get on top of this.
Talk it then walk it.

RE: Guitar As Teacher
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:12 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: Guitar As Teacher
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:14 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Sorry Boss. I just made it out on a notecard to keep the ball rolling. Lack of a printer here at the house. I'll have her run off some of your diagrams at work when she gets a chance.
I see I need a better way to upload them to the forum, too. That's probably what you mean.
You can use Ctrl - to zoom out of it but who wants to look at a boring scale diagram these days.?
just shittin'

RE: Guitar As Teacher
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:16 pmby Cleudi Martins • 24 Posts

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