Profile for Farelli


General information
Location: Rhode Island
Occupation: Marketing
Hobbies: Music, writing fiction, reading
Date registered 12.19.2014
Date of birth: 18. August 1972
Last online: 08.19.2018
Sex: male

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Farelli has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:48 pmAbout to see a show...

Farelli has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:28 pmA long time gone...

Farelli has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:30 amLeft Hand Thumb Placement

Farelli has replied to a post
Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:39 pm | jump to post

Pebber's not kidding.
Farelli has replied to a post
Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:37 pm | jump to post

Yeah, it was the spiders, and I didn't think of doing right hand because I don't have the discipline not to use my left hand at all. :DPlus I had plenty of other things that needed to be done.

Farelli has replied to a post
Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:49 pm | jump to post

I would back up a step, and ask you, what are your goals?Before answering whether your routine is good for you, we need to know where you want to end up.That said, Pebber's program will deliver you to whatever goals you have, so I'm inclined to point you in that direction. :D

Farelli has replied to a post
Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:12 pm | jump to post

Welcome, Cory.I've been playing for 35 years now bit only got serious about learning the instrument maybe about 4 years ago.Right now I haven't touched a guitar in 10 days because I felt a hint of tendinitis due to some intensive exercises I'd been doing. Needed to give the fretting hand a break.

Farelli has replied to a post
Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:22 pm | jump to post

That's because each image as you go left to right is only a portion of the total picture.It's telling you: fret the 5th string 2nd fret with your middle finger, 3rd string 2nd fret with your ring finger pick down on the 6th string, up on the 5th string pick down on the 4th string, up on the 3rd string pick down on the 2nd string, up on the 1st string

Farelli has replied to a post
Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:35 am | jump to post

Those are telling you which fingers to use on those strings.Pebber has some videos, titled something like "How to take the online lessons," where he explains a lot of these concepts.

Farelli has replied to a post
Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:59 am | jump to post

Those are marking "string sets" or string pairs.So at the top you have 6,5 then 4,3, then 2,1 and you see the "down" "up" pick markings at the bottom.So you pick down on 6, up on 5, down on 4, up on 3, down on 2, up on 1.


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