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Date registered 06.04.2010
Last online: 10.21.2012
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tplu7234 has replied to a post
Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:19 am | jump to post

My favourite guitarist is Jack White. Sue me.On first reading it appears to me that the guy was just asking an honest question. Then again I am not one for youtube guitar wars.

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Sun May 06, 2012 7:16 am | jump to post

I have been learning the drums for a few months now and initially you need to spend 99% of your time with a metronome playing at speeds that induce fatigue. If you do not and just use your 'internal metronome' then nothing will ever challenge you to play faster and you will not improve. If you are fatiguing badly then take a break, whether it is 5 minutes or 5 hours doesn't matter. What is assured is that when you play that first drum beat after your break it will be 100% spot on, then you will ...

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Thu May 03, 2012 4:11 pm | jump to post

Get yourself a circle of fifths: a Bb on the 5th string 1st fret. Then F on the 6th string 1st fret. C on the 5th string 3rd fret and G on the 6th string 3rd fret. Basically you are playing 5th string and 6th string, skipping a fret and playing 5th and 6th string, skipping a fret and playing 5th and 6th string etc.A couple rules you must follow:1.) Use only one finger to play every note. Do not swap fingers constantly, this is not a l...

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:12 am | jump to post

Great stuff, will have to get my hands on those.
tplu7234 has replied to a post
Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:11 pm | jump to post

Pebber,Having seen you play on youtube I do not doubt that you have done some serious hours. The point I was making is that most people do not know what it means to do that kind of work.I think one of the best videos on your youtube channel is the hour long video covering just picking skills. That video gave an insight into real practice, and that was basically the warm up. It would be a big ask but I think a 7-8 hour companion video featuring all the skills in a real time 'practice session' wou...

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:37 pm | jump to post

Jaggers,You need to keep things simple. You should probably just stick with the 6th string for a while and invest a lot of time learning those positions. I know that from experience, I ended up just confusing myself by over-complicating things and learning too much at once. The scale diagrams Pebber has put up on his website will keep you occupied for a very long time.

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:34 pm | jump to post

I had a 5 year old student enroll yesterday, we had a short conversation to start the lesson:Me - 'How many times a week should you practice guitar?'Student - 'Everyday!'Me - 'Good, and how long do you think you should practice for?'Student - '...For more hours than in existence.'Me - 'Well we only have 24 hours in a many of those should be used for practice?'Student - '16 hours.'He might only be 5 but he is thinking the same way as a lot of people in this world. Until you dive in you ...

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:14 pm | jump to post

Correct, just make sure you spend a lot of time on the Ionian mode and treat it as your starting point.

tplu7234 has replied to a post
Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:27 pm | jump to post

The metronome is perfect, it is never ahead or behind the beat. It makes sense to play along with it rather than trying to keep time yourself because we human beings are not perfect...but the metronome is ;).
tplu7234 has replied to a post
Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:22 pm | jump to post

You should be using your G Major scale against the G Major backing track. D Major for the D Major backing track, A Major for the A Major backing track etc. You should match your scales against the chord you are playing... this video series. Around 5 minutes into part 2 Pebber explains why you should play certain scales with certain chords. Once you really saturate the sound of the G Major scale against a G Major backing track you shou...


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