i have bad news agian........i have this deases : Bipolar disorder i was in hospital,i quit my job again and now im taking antipshitic medicines so i wont be able to buying video lessons from you pebber
Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1A Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1B Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1C Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1D Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1E Music Theory for Guitar Vol 1F
are there more videos that i can buy,if so please tell me :)
in music theory for guitar vol 1 b at the end of the video its writen with the green letters please go to music theory part 2a,but i cant find this lesson on your page :(
i recive your user name an password and i cant download the videos,when i click on te video lesson a vlc player shows and there is just a black screen,when i try to download save as i was able to download just theory vol 1a.
o that will explain wery much because i didnt know that the other name for scales is mode, or changed scale, tnx a lot for explaining to me what modes are,and in that case i will agree with you that the modes are wery important,like experimenting with music or searching for new sounds :)
since c major scale is build like this cdefgabc and the tones are :
1st tone is resting tone 2nd tone is floading tone 3rd tone is resting tone 4th tone is leading tone 5th tone is tone thet can resolves up or down 6th tone is floading tone 7th tone is resting tone
the minor pentatonic scale is build like this 1 b3 4 5 b7 so my question in what kind of a relationship are tones betwen eachothers is the first also resting tone an soo on
i have a question about minor pentatonic scale workbook :
is the c minor pentatonic scale position 1, long pattern 1 taken from the c minor pentatonic scale position 2, like the other half of the c minor pentatonic scale position 2 ?
i send an email to pebber adress but just in case if he didnt read his mail i will post ahe same content here
i would like to buy more your video lessons, i saw the video that you posted on the youtube where you talked about how to take internet video lessons,i bought the first MusicTheory_for_GUITAR_vol.1A and now i would like to buy two video lessons thats 40 dollars if i heard you correctly. please tell me how can i buy two more videos,should i do the same as before when i bought first video lesson or do i have to pay you in a different way. pay pal notice me and you did too about monthly paymenths to your account, i will have to cancell that monthly payments and the reason is that i dont have a job and no regular income. my parents and girlfriend support me at my music education so they given me the money for the last videos that i bought from you.i hope that you will understand why i will have to cancell monthly payment. i would like to know also this if at the end of your video lessons i belive thats all music theory that exists, do i get some papers or document who is showing that i can teach other peoples at the school, like becoming a teacher like you :)
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