I'm going to be making my first $60.00 payment ($2/day) for ASYNCHRONOUS Internet lessons so I can have full access to all of Pebber's awesome Module based learning system. This is THE MOST comprehensive guitar lesson curriculum I've ever encountered from one source. I own DVD's (Steve Morse, Paul Gilbert, Alexi Vaiho, Gus G, Frank Gambale) and tons of books (Berklee Press, MI Press, & countless others) and they all have great tips, licks and ideas but NONE of them touch on Left hand and Right hand exercises like Pebber does. I sat for 6 hours a day the past two days going over his left and right hand exercises and I've already improved my playing all around. I'm more crisp and clear in what I play and my speed has easily doubled. I know my modes and a quite a few of the different scales, arpeggios and chords by heart but his lessons have taken me to the next level. I can only imagine how great I will be in 1, 2 or 3 years.
Honestly if you love Pebber's work you should donate or pay for his $60 a month. It's freaking 2 dollars a day. All of us spend that much on coffee or soda a day.
Thanks again for you immense contribution to the Guitar Community Pebber. All here on this board are in your debt.