
This guy is amazing. Period. His "technique sucks?" Based on what, exactly? I think that BEFORE we criticize others, we show the World our OWN technique, first. It is easier said, than done. In fact, close scrutiny of Buckethead's technique reveals more similarities than differences, when compared to this guy.
Also, could you PLEASE change your signature,,,,,I think that one was taken, before you signed up.
-Pebber Brown

I agree that he's amazing and very talented, but in one of Pebber's vids he mentions if you see a guitar player whose fingers are flying all over the place, they have bad technique.
I don't think I was "criticizing" him, I was merely stating an observation.. I agree it is easier said, than done, and my technique is not pretty, but before I watched Pebber's vids, I had no idea how much I sucked...so thanks to his vids, I'm am practicing the right way, and hopefully I'll be able to take actual lessons with him in the future. :)
Sure, mate. :)
"Let's face it, You suck; now what are you going to do about it?" - Dick Grove

Well, I must say, you are on the right path!
I just wanted to caution against making a mistake I often make: judging others without judging yourself. TRUST ME....I used to make a living as a Music Critic, and after 1 1/2 years, I just had to give it up, because I could not stomach dissing peoples tunes, when I was sitting on my ass, doing nothing! So yeah, one thing about me: I am HARDER on myself than anybody else could possible be. I gotta learn to give myself a break!
I'll tell ya this: Watching Pebber's Videos on YouTube is "taking lessons," in my opinion,,,because Pebber puts his heart and soul into EVERYTHING he uploads! In fact, I STUDIED EVERY PEBBER BROWN VIDEO FOR 9 MONTHS, BEFORE SIGNING UP FOR PERSONALIZED LESSONS! I highly suggest doing the same!
Keep up the good work, and you WILL get better!
(by the way, I LOVE that new quote better! )
-Pebber Brown

Just watched the video..he plays very very fast...but what does it do melodically?
I hear no music in relation to the song...no chords and no melodic theme..
I dont really hear any chords through well thought out melodies.
Some great virtuostic technique, but IMHO i would like to see it in a much more musical format.
Just sounds like a bunch of riffs thrown together...not very impressive to me.
P.S. Also being an audio engineer, i can hear the fact he is stiff in his right arm. He is picking fast by
muscle the guitar, its not relaxed and smooth.

Yet, if you do some research, you find that he was named one of the "50 Fastest Guitarists" by Guitar World.
You see? This is exactly why "who's better than who" discussions are utterly WORTHLESS. It reminds me of being a child, comparing coloring books to see who stayed in the lines. Now if we all "stayed within the lines," there would have been NO Impressionism, and absolutely Zero Abstract Art!
It is ALL relative.
-Pebber Brown

I don't think Mick Barr is trying to come up with cute little melodies and nice little chord progressions. I think he's trying to go into another direction entirely.
And yes, in the July '08 issue of guitar world, he was listed next to Buckethead, Shawn Lane, Paul Gilbert, Yngwie, Vai, Danny Gatton, Mclaughlin, Holdsworth, etc as one of the "50 Fastest Guitar Players of All Time"
STFU! - Pebber Brown

RE: Mick Barr
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu May 27, 2010 12:10 pmby jimiclaptoncarl • 117 Posts

I really don't see the "fingers all over the place," thing. I'm not sure how anybody else would play something like this, at this tempo. I don't know, I guess it comes with maturing on the instrument....I look at things a lot different than when I was 14. I graduated from "this sucks/that sucks" to "well, I respect what he does, and I'll leave it at that."
It's easy to criticize when one has nothing of his/her own to stand on.
But hey, who am I to judge? I'm sure EVERYBODY here is the next Buckethead.
-Pebber Brown

RE: Mick Barr
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu May 27, 2010 12:57 pmby jimiclaptoncarl • 117 Posts
Yeah, I guess I exaggerated a bit...
I mean, he's getting very wide intervals so his hands have got to be moving...I was comparing his playing to MAB, who has perfect like technique when he plays, but he usually does 3nps and uses sequences, so he's not really getting wide intervals...
I change my opinion now! I dig his playing, and respect him as a guitarist! :)
"Let's face it, You suck; now what are you going to do about it?" - Dick Grove

Adam, I am the next buckethead but I am going to wear a hockey mask and one of those crowns from Burger King and call myself "Burgerface"
I think Pebber said before in a video that, not everyone has amazing picture perfect technique, but that doesn't discredit them.
STFU! - Pebber Brown

Just so everyone is clear...I NEVER intend to change anybody's opinion (because I HATE when people try to change mine). I was just trying to get some of you to look at it from a different perspective...It changes perception!
You see, when one is caught up in "you suck, I hate that," one becomes susceptible to others' criticism of their work,,,and that REALLY sucks! I try to make Music that makes ME satisfied,,,FUCK what anybody else thinks (although,,,I MUCH RATHER PREFER THEY LIKE IT...LOL!!!!)
HEY URSIN: I'm gonna sport a long rubber penis as a fake ponytail-type-thing and call myself..........(ready for this?).........Dickhead.
-Pebber Brown

No he isnt creating melodies, he is just creating noise.
Have we all forgotten that music needs a melody? The magic of song itself is in chords and melody,
all we learn are really just tools to help develop these two aspects. Someone like Mike Barr,
who to me, sounds forced and like he has thrown a bunch of licks together, does absolutely
nothing for me because i dont hear a melody line through his shredding.
If you want a good example of virtuostic playing, while keeping melody, go check out
Greg Howe's take on sunny.
Uderoche> if he is going in another direction it doesnt sound very good. And thats what it comes back to..
how does it sound...and tbh did the sound in that video please your ear? it sure didnt mine.
Maybe im in the wrong place, but i certainly dont want to be the next buckethead. I would take 3 notes
with good melody over 200 with shred technique with no relation to a melody.
Repetition in art, is the key to it all. I just dont find things like this impressive sorry guys.
Way too many guitarists forgot about melody in favour of virtuoso techniques, and its just plain wrong.
Why? You will get away with playing the melody of a song as a solo, you will not get away with playing
a bunch of ragtag techniques that do not fit.
Have we also forgotten the role of our instrument within a band?
Accompaniment instrument.....Which means u have to bring something else to the song ur accompanying.
Im all for the next guy standing up their making noise like mick barr, and maybe i just dont get what he is doing.
But imo without a melodic context to see this is, it just sounds like a bunch of noise to me, and
not very impressive.
So what if he is fast? He will never be faster than a sax or clarinet player anyway...
in my eyes buddy speed comes entirely second to good melody.

I'm totally serious...why?
Having played professionally for the last 5-6 years, made a living of guitar,
playing in country and jazz bands...we would pick the guitar player playing
melody every time over someone with unlimited virtuostic talent, who cannot
get onto the melody.
You need melody well and truly before speed.
And yeah i am serious.
Look at the greats like Lenny Tristano...wouldnt let satch keep going on a lesson
if he played a wrong note. Its about melody, not speed.
I might have to use that as my sig here lol.
As i said guys, in no way am i rubbishing his technique.
I just dont like the lack of melody.
Is it really such a new concept to relate everything we do on guitar solo's
back to melody?

RE: Mick Barr
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu May 27, 2010 5:41 pmby No name specified • ( Guest )

Okay, what if you hear a "fast" melody in your head, you wouldn't be able to play it, with out good technique.
"Have we also forgotten the role of our instrument within a band?
Accompaniment instrument.....Which means u have to bring something else to the song ur accompanying."
Tell that to, Dave Weiner, Tony Macalpine, Buckethead, MAB, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, etc...
They DO NOT use the guitar as an accompaniment instrument, rather it is doing the job of the singer...
I know that it CAN be used as "accompaniment" but it can also be used as the featured soloist.

Lol, that was my post, forgot I wasn't logged in... :P
Usually people criticize something they cannot do, Can you play fast?
Don't push your view of music on others, just because you don't enjoy fast playing...
"I would take 3 notes
with good melody over 200 with shred technique with no relation to a melody."
Go listen to KennyG then...
"Let's face it, You suck; now what are you going to do about it?" - Dick Grove

I do enjoy fast playing, but the reason weiner, yngwie and all the others got where they are
is because of melody. They have speed playing and use it melodically.
I can play fast, yes, Ive spent hours working on speed techniques, and im here to learn
from pebber to get even faster. And yes..if your hearing a fast melody, ur hearing melody
arent you?
I'm not pushing my view of playing. You asked me to check something out, and it does nothing
for me. Im not knocking the fact he can play fast...all due respect to that fact, but i dont get
anything melodic from that, like i would when i listen to all the players you previously listed.
I'm really starting to wonder if i came to the right place. The moment i stated what i thought
when asked of a video, i get asked all kind of..are you serious questions?
Just to me the moment i said that was doing nothing for me everyone jumped down my throat
because i said exactly how it sounded to my ear. And that is king, that does not sound any good to
me ear. Just like a bunch of licks thrown together. If the ears tell you its wrong, its wrong.

"I would take 3 notes over...."
Oh Brother.
I must inform you, that in the case of Buckethead (since you mentioned him, specifically), for every "shred" tune, or however you would describe it...he has AT LEAST ONE "mellow tune" to match! In fact, out of his last 4 CD's,,,,2 are ACOUSTIC!
Now,,,,the sound of that video was shit,,,yeah, I'll give you that, However, I think Brother Ursin was more interested in showcasing this guys skills. Can you HONESTLY say that you would NOT take that talent, if it were freely offered?
You see, it's funny. Every time I hear this argument, I have to think: "Do these people think that these Shredders ALWAYS played fast?" The answer is, "NO." In order to play this fast, one MUST be able to play SLOW. I look at it as an evolution thing. Some people aren't content playing one note per measure....I, for one, cannot knock somebody for PUSHING THEMSELVES TO A HIGHER LEVEL.
I've been playing guitar for longer than a lot of people here have been alive! Trust me, I've done the strum, strum, pentatonic lick, strum thing. Or in my metal/alternative phase: chugga chugga boom chicka. weedle deedle dee chugga hum tap=hammer=pulloff, etc, whammy bar dive bomb.
My point is,,,I feel it is time for me to EVOLVE, which is why, for the first time in my LIFE, I am paying for Lessons.
-Pebber Brown

Yes, you did come to the right place! ;)
The point I was trying to make, just cause your ear thinks it sucks, doesn't mean it sucks... it sucks in your eyes; but it could be the awesome in another guy's eyes.
I look at speed not only as a vehicle for fast melody, but as an effect, that I can use... I guess my question to you is, what is your definition of melody? Can a scale played at 100bpm with 32nd notes all the way up and down be melody?
I think we are all in the right place, we all want to get better at our instrument, sorry if I "jumped down your throat", just trying to discuss this, unless anyone cusses me out, I take everything in a non-personal way, after all it is the internet. :)
"Let's face it, You suck; now what are you going to do about it?" - Dick Grove

I am NOT intending to jump down anyone's throat. Also, I REPEAT, I would NEVER, EVER tell somebody what to like/dislike. I am just defending my position.
If I come across in an unsavory way, please forgive me.
-Pebber Brown

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