
Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:07 am
by CrazyFuu • 3 Posts

Hey guys, I am new to this forum and just started guitar a couple months ago. I've been doing about half of Pebber Brown Module 1 (Picking exercise via scalpel picking), Module 2 (Limited amount of trills considering how weak and untrained my fingers are, ladder exercises, and spider exercises) and started memorizing chords and scales through PB's method. I have two main questions, I ordered PB's exercise DVD vol. 1 last month and still hasn't arrived. I live in Adelaide Aust. so I was wondering when it would come and who would be best to contact regarding this issue.

My second questions involves practice time. I've been practicing around 3 and a half hours per day, and I remember PB somewhere in one of his youtube videos recommends about 5 hours (I could be wrong) per day. However when I look at the daily modules and all the specific techniques (Left-hand basics, All Spider exercises, etc) I can't help but feel one must go through Charlie Parker mode, practicing 12-16 hours per day to fulfill these exercises and learn the all the chords, scales, etc. Perhaps I am overestimating the time taken but I was curious about how long realistically it would take to fulfill all of PB's daily modules?

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RE: Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:33 pm
by deltadiscos • 321 Posts

you are right about the practice time all the greats. would of at some time spent upto 14-16 hours a day
at some point when i first started i was doing six hours just picking the 3-4 hours a day on left hand.
most people dont have that sort of time so spread out what you do but.
but dont jump from one thing to another. master one exercise before you move on...
also pebber talks about saving time by focusing on your weak points ie 4th finger.
hey there's no rush.. i'm sure pebber will get back to you on the dvd..

also got to say play every day.. i've had a 3 week break wish i had'nt hands are so stiff again...

You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
One note can say a million words........It can also take a million notes to say one word

Last edited Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:35 pm | Scroll up


RE: Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:15 am
by Ivan • 45 Posts

Hey CrazyFuu,

We're neighbours! I'm just across the desert from you in WA. Always great to see another Aussie on here!
Dividing time up between the modules and specific exercises: if I've got 3 hours, I spend the longest on the things I'm worse at. Right now I'm learning the Harmonic/Melodic Minors in position 1 in the CAGED system using incrementalism, but I'm also trying to spend time doing finger permutations because I suck at that. I do an hour of 1234/1243/1324/1342 up and down the neck, across the strings, plus 1-7 notes per beat while on each scale as I run through them. There's so much to learn, you're right! If you're stuck for how to practice or what to work on, just return to the source and watch PB's videos.
You cant go wrong mate.

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RE: Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:42 pm
by Farelli • 189 Posts

Hey there,

I'm behind this one but I wanted to chime in. You're right that more practice time per day is better. When I got out of the navy in 1997, I had about 7 weeks off before I went back to work. I practiced at least 6-10 hours per day during that time and at no time before or since have I made more rapid advancement. Unfortunately I didn't have a structured practice routine so I got better at sucking.

Now I have less time, but I focus on what I feel I need the most work on. Lately I've put nearly all my energy into theory because that was seriously lacking. I am reaching a point where I will replace theory with scale exercises to learn all the major scales all over the neck in every position and system. So I'll be doing right hand, left hand, and scales mostly.

I don't know what I'll do after that. It depends where I get to and where I want to go.

Just divide up whatever time you have among whatever skills you believe you most need to develop. If you regularly practice (by practicing well) the same things you will master them after some finite amount of time.

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RE: Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:30 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Dear CrazyFuu,

No order has been entered into the orders page or in paypal with this name or the name John Abe.
There is no record of any order from the distributor and no record of any order in paypal.

Do you have a payment record?

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RE: Pebber Brown DVD arrival time? And timing of entire schedule

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:31 pm
by CrazyFuu • 3 Posts

I used a pseudonym for privacy purposes, but I am delighted to announce I received the DVD about a week ago. I forgot to update this information on the board, my apologies.
Here comes hours and hours of practicing.

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