
Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:37 am
by gas17565 • 11 Posts

I am writing this in hopes that some of you have had my problem. I simply can't get motivated to practice. I am lost in this ocean of material and end up practicing the same few things day in and day out, and never getting anywhere. It would be one thing if I were 15 and doing this, but I am 61 and doing this for the first time. ANY encouragement would be appreciated; I've seen enough videos telling me to "stop being a wimp". I didn't get this far in life being a wimp. It would be great if I could just get 10 minutes a day on each module. But if I can't practice different parts of the module each day, it just ends up boring me. Please help me. I just want to complete one 7 module practice day, even if it's only 5 minutes a mod, and then build on that. Thanks.

Last edited Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:38 am | Scroll up


RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:47 pm
by aethermachine • 33 Posts

I am probably not the best person to be giving you advice on practicing, but it sounds to me like you are stuck in a rut. Try to find something to motivate you, you might need to step away from the material you are trying to practice and try a different approach, look into something else that interests you and then come back to the material. On the other hand, some people might suggest you grit your teeth through the boredom and really try hard to get a grip on the material you are trying to practice, it is through this tedium that you will feel greatly rewarded when you see your progress.

Maybe take a break and do something fun, look at some 12-bar blues backing tracks or other styles you might enjoy and practice your scales and soloing with them. Listen to music that inspires you, nothing has motivated me more to practice than listening to something that truly moves and inspires you. My two cents anyways, good luck brother.

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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:27 pm
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Fortunately I dont have this problem I like doing the exercises because for the simple reason that I see I progress.

But I read that you want to do 5 min each module, I can assure you that if you do it like that you will see never progress if you practice like that (I'm sorry being harsh). You need to do them for hours and hours like that you will book progress.
5 min doing something doesnt warm you even up.

You know I have a daily bussy job but I still manage to play around 3 hours a day during the week. I do 1 hour picking exercises. 1 hour ladder exercises (minimum) and 1 hour scales. Thats it for the moment in the weekend i extend everything and play some songs too. I feel and see I make progress on a weekly base. After a months or 2 doing this schedule I do some other exercises but I keep doing Module 1 and 2 daily (there are a lot of different exercises in the module).

I hope this answer didn't dissappoint you but this is my way of daily practice. And I think it is not enough I wish not to have to go to work everyday and could make routines of 7 or more hours a day.

And I enjoy it all

Greetz Ray

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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:50 am
by deltadiscos • 321 Posts

i would get some songs you enjoy or want to learn and just stick to that for awhile and have some fun. When you come to something in the song you struggle with then work on that problem. you've then sorted that problem for any other songs jamming you wanna do.
There is more than one way to reach your goal. oh yea and set goals short to long. know where you want to be and get there.

You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
One note can say a million words........It can also take a million notes to say one word
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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:19 am
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Thats maybe a better advise as I gave Deltadiscos

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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:43 pm
by Adam • 172 Posts

Hi John,

I will try my best to answer, but first, let's mess with your thinking a little bit!:

Are you trying to get through the modules as a warm-up? Or are you relatively new to the instrument and trying to really learn and develop your technique? There is no "graduation" for playing the guitar. I would first ask you why it is so important that you complete multiple modules in one day? How long have you been playing guitar? What are you looking to do with what you are learning? Only YOU know why YOU play guitar.

You are certainly not a "wimp," nor are you in any way alone when it comes to this issue. After reading your post, it does not appear that "boredom" is your problem either. You even sound a lot like me, and I describe this as "Musical A.D.D. (attention-deficit disorder)." There were countless days I would stare at those Daily Practice Modules, watch Pebber's YouTube videos, get out the metronome, start working on my trills or permutations, ladders, spiders, right-hand techniques,,,1 hour, 2 hours,,,8 hours, 12 hours (no kidding). Then realized: WHY AM I DOING ALL OF THIS? WHAT IS MY GOAL?

I became a "Professional Practicer," in the sense that I would just drill, drill, drill,,,but NEVER apply what I was learning in any context.

My goal is to be a great musician. I believe that I constantly need to work on my technique, When being confronted with a new exercise that is challenging, I drill it constantly. However, I keep things interesting by putting on a backing track, because playing "music" is what I want to do. That's how I apply what it is I am learning.

Don't get me wrong, beginning guitar is something that can certainly get boring, and it requires focus and perseverance. However, I find that my students who learn how to use backing tracks quicker tend to remain interested longer.

As was stated in an earlier response, having goals is important and essential. Even in your daily practice. So, if your goal for tomorrow is to get through 7 modules in, say, 30 minutes,,,well then, you obviously need to spend 4-5 minutes on each module, and in order to not get distracted, you will need to set a timer to force you to stop and move on to the next module. By doing this, though, are you really LEARNING anything, or just going through the motions?

I would emphasize quality practice versus quantity practice: Spend time drilling, but also don't forget to spend time applying what you are learning by actually playing each day! I promise you,,,do this, and chances are you will NOT get bored!!!

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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:57 pm
by Ray1981 • 279 Posts

Great explanation Adam!

You see I think quality practice is important as well. Therefor I prefer it is better to take 2 or 3 subjects from the Daily practice routine and doing them for a long time as I mentioned before. As going thru a lot of stuff for a short amount of time.

If I would have 30 min a day I think I would e.g. only ladders for 2 weeks after those 2 weeks I would start doing a other exercise maybe neo-classical because this is left and right hand related. Like this you would get more out of your practice time and make slowly progress.

Using backing tracks I should do more thats good you mention this here because it make al so much more fun.

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RE: Daily Practice Routine

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:34 am
by gas17565 • 11 Posts

Thanks, guys, for the feedback; I think all of you hit the nail on the head. I need to get a routine started oriented around music I like and I think things will start to fall into place.

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