
Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:16 pm
by yemtig • 1 Post

Hey all, I happened across PB's music theory youtube video that went through the circle of fifths and the circle of fourths. Wow, all I can say is that I learned more from that video about music than all other attempts by me ever! I'm mike, 42, and want to start playing my guitar instead of just fiddling around with it from time to time. I know some basic chords but haven't really ever known how to practice and develop my skills. I was thinking of signing up for online lessons, as my work schedule rarely allows me to get to a scheduled weekly lesson.

My love is the acoustic guitar. But I really suck at using a pick and have started to use PB's 1st practice lesson, going from string to string, to make muscle memory and to get better at it. I suck at strumming I am a dominant left handed person, but have always taught myself playing guitar the way all you right-handed people have learned to play the guitar. It just feels natural to me now, and trying to play left-handed is just plain awkward. I want to learn fingerpicking but want to use a pick with my acoustic playing also.

I guess the biggest hurdle to me has been, what do I practice and how do I get better as a guitarist??? That has certainly been echoed in this forum many, many times. My question to you who are paying students, should I just join now and get started, even though my skill is really, really low? I plan on practicing at least an hour EVERY DAY, no matter what. I have a 3 week rotating schedule at work that I have 10 out of every 21 days off.... I work 10-12 hour days, but want to put in the time to become better. Even on my work days, is 1 hour too little practice time? On my days off, I'd like to practice 3 hours at least.

So what do you guys think? I was thinking of the different subscription offers and wanted your opinion based on my time available to devote to learning the guitar. Should I just do the one lesson a month? Will it take me a month to master that one lesson or should I go for a 2 or 3 lesson plan?? Really like PB's teaching style... Put in the work and you will get better. Just start me at the basics and I'll build from there.

Any suggestions?

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RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:21 pm
by Guitar137335 • 8 Posts

I suggest to watch Pebber module 1 videos on YouTube and really dig them. Then once you got your picking sorted go on to module 2.

Last edited Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:23 pm | Scroll up


RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:39 pm
by TConnelly • 5 Posts

Hi there. I'm Todd, 55 year old auto mechanic from Sandy Oregon. My first post here as well. Although I've only been messing around with the guitar for a couple months I'm in a similar quandry over taking lessons locally or subscribing here and doing the on-line lessons. On the one hand I like the flexability of on-line lessons but I think it would also be nice to take them from someone in person. I like Pebber Browns philosophy of teaching guitar. Very sort of "wax on, wax off" if you'll forgive the obscure movie reference. Also in looking around the web at various other guitar teachers I've come to the conclusion that Pebber Brown has forgotten more about teaching guitar than most of the rest of them will ever know.

I'm not the instant gratification sort but the post a little ways down the forum about not hearing back from Pebber after two weeks has me a little concerned. That said I think if it were me -in addition to sending the link to Mr. Brown- I'd also post a link to the forums. It seems like there are only four or five guys posting videos of their playing. That seems a shame. It seems like there are a lot of very knowlegable guys here that are happy to offer suggestions. If more subscribers posted videos this would be a much more interesting place than it already is. Anyway, good luck with it.


Just remember, Every time you call them "vinyls" god kills a kitten!
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RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:49 am
by Nick of plymouth • 3 Posts

Hi Guitar, Yemtig ,Todd, & Pebber

Thinking that a couple of us are in the same boat here as just switched to guitar and watching the Module 1 on you tube

Feeling the commitment after signing up on the forum here so there's no going back ! :)

Best of luck & effort


Last edited Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:51 am | Scroll up


RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:01 pm
by aethermachine • 33 Posts

The forums haven't been very active of late, that is true, but the thread about PB not responding seems isolated enough to me, I've not heard many complaints from paying subscribers. It is one thing if you don't pay for the lessons and post videos here and don't receive much input, but I imagine if you are patient and are a paying subscriber you will get the feedback you are looking for. Again, these are online lessons and I'm sure he has a lot of paying students sending in videos. I think I paid for a month of lessons and ended up getting a whole lot more than what I paid for in conventional lessons in terms of shear CONTENT.

The nature of the online lessons are its going to be a slower process than what you would otherwise receive if you were in a studio with a live teacher.

My suggestion is that you can try doing a bit of both, subscribe for a lesson here and there from Pebber, get some great info, and take weekly lessons (or whatever your schedule and wallet can afford) from a live instructor as well so you have that instant feedback in addition to what you'll get from Pebber. There is also an unlimited amount of free information out there, being a self-taught guitarist nowadays is a lot easier than it was 30 years ago with amount of resources available. In the end, even with an instructor, its probably 90% of what the student puts in himself, tons and tons of unrelenting practice. Good luck friend!

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RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:16 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

I have a lot of paying students who get feedback on their uploads. People are instructed to send them to me as an unlisted link on youtube , dailymotion or vimeo and thats what they do. If someone wants to, they can also post it here in the forum to get more immediate peer feedback and commentary. People who are not paying students who post videos here cannot expect personal commentary from me - only group commentary, if and when anyone decides to comment! This forum was created as a PUBLIC forum where guys can talk about the technical aspects of playing (rather than endless chatter about bands, etc.) This is for people who are interested in information about their technique and practice routines. Its for the entire world so I cant be monitoring each and every video upload - unless someone is an actual paying student subscriber, then I address them personally as thats how I do business. They are also allowed to do whatever they want in this forum as well and many paying students also post here. I appreciate al the posts as it makes for very lively content and is of interest to all of our particular group of people. During the school year I am very limited on time to swoop in and comment very much here, so you will find most public interaction from me during the non-academic seasons (winter break, spring brreak and summer break) as I also use those periods of time to exclusively work on new videos. I am a summer composer like Gustav Mahler!

Last edited Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:20 am | Scroll up


RE: Want to play my guitar

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:46 pm
by Nick of plymouth • 3 Posts

Having a night off from practising the basic caged 5 position exercises which I have done so for a week or so. Feeling that I now know just the Gmaj scales - BUT appreciating how the relative Em can come into play.
I have the benefit of a bit of knowledge through basic bass but how little I know. I find myself back tracking as to holding the guitar , curling of the fingers and concentrating. I add that one of my middle fingers seems large as got stepped on at school (70's) but I have tried to make excuses before when I said I found the precision bass frets too apart due to my small hands - The UK guitar shop & Peavey bass rep owner just laughed at me - Ha .. So I shall soldier on as my hand hurt last night and I saw spots before my eyes.

I will endeavour to nail the minor scales next, but have picked the wrong week , or rather destiny has , as joined a Gothic rock band as a bass player and have a set to learn and interpet. The six string practice is helping much and maybe I will break out of my rock mode and try and do some Bach and such on the bass.

You tubing loads of stuff inc Pebber playing live , Alan Holdsworth , John McLaughlin, who I was lucky to see with Shatki along with Ravi Shankar's son playing a decade ago . On the listening front - I have new ears concerning the Mahavishnu Orchestra. I finish by saying that the mud is clearing in my mind and spent this evening watching Bo Diddley - Live in Sweden (1980's) and he speaks , through experience at 28'34 saying that '' You get the gig , which is the Job, by what you know - If you can't handle it , you don't get the job'' So true. Enough of my chat ...must let the music do my talking, so will go and plug in and PRACTICE. Peace & music :)

Last edited Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:00 pm | Scroll up

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