
RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:22 pm
by FRaKh • 321 Posts

Its depressing to think of our teens.
I used to think it was just me becoming older and am now
turning into my Dad....but noooo!
This new generation is dumb!
The amount of teens who cant do simple Math tasks is incredible!
but to Multiply and god forbid DIVIDE!!!
its depressing.

Those of us with kids...teach them well!
If you do they will be ahead of everybody....especially if they have down basic Math skills(the heart of logic)!

You know whats even more f#@$ed than that?
Our SCREWED UP Education System!
They keep lowering the standards to keep parents(voters) happy.
Why is it High School student in a third world country like India average Calculus when they graduate??
The parents beat the shit out the kid if they dont get a B or an A.....our parents....XBOX to pacify.

“A World Without String Is Chaos”

Randolf Smuntz

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:45 am
by bigk • 7 Posts

too bad they couldnt spend a little time learning to spell instead of shooting their braindead mouths off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:05 pm
by sammydee • 7 Posts

If I may respectfully offer my opinion on this topic...

There are two kinds of people out there. People who want to be taught and people who already think they know how to do it. You're a great teacher Pebber, I really liked your style and you put a lot of no bullshit good information out there.

My suggestion? Disable comments on youtube. Leave a note saying that if someone is interested they can come on the forum to ask. The people who really

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:13 pm
by sammydee • 7 Posts

(sorry for accidental double post)

If I may respectfully offer my opinion on this whole issue...

Pebber, you're a good teacher, I liked your down to earth style and you're putting some good information out there that motivated, aspiring guitarists can apply to improve their playing.

My advice for what it's worth would be to disable youtube comments, and direct people to this forum in the video description. There are two types of people out there, people that wanna learn and people that already think they know how to do it and waste their time writing abuse on the internet.

The first group will take the time to ask intelligent questions and find the good information. The second group will move on to abuse someone else. The first group are the ones who are gonna put the effort in and get really good at guitar. It is a waste of time and energy to focus on those who barge in with abuse and counterproductive comments.

You're a great teacher bro. Direct your energies towards those that actually WANT the information, ignore the guys that wade in with abuse, and you'll help even more guys improve their guitar playing.

Last edited Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:14 pm | Scroll up


RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:54 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

Pebber has 536 videos posted (at this particular time). Thats 536 vids. I can't even imagine the time it would take just to read all the comments. These "trolls" have no idea what they are missing out on. It's literally a treasure chest of info. Pure gold.

Its too bad that they don't have enough self awareness to appreciate whats there in front of them. Idiots.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:28 pm
by texblues52 • 5 Posts

Just goes to show you Pebber, no matter how good you are or how much you know..there will always be critics and haters. Consider the source bro.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:26 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Here's the LATEST Troll!!! I cant figure out who he is directing his abuse at...
Its on my last video "Private Lesson with PB"

Did Mommy call you up from the basement for some warm milk and a snack or is it nap time?

OK post the vid's when you get back junior.


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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:04 pm
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

Oi that's Tsonic Tsunami (one of the regulars of this forum, our drummer )

He was actually calling a troll out, what happened is you guys fell for a typical troll move, it goes like this:

You troll someone and wait for a person with common sense and a desire to call you out on your bullshit to insult your stupidity...
afterwards you delete your post which makes it seem like the person actually defending the video/comment is just insulting you for no reason.. ;) I thought YouTube unlike stupidbook marked the comment as deleted though..

Yet again another example of the limitless potential of the internet misused for stupid things.. humanity being humanity..

Last edited Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:06 pm | Scroll up


RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:06 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Oh yeahh I saw that now!!! That little video has produced some MAJOR Troll activity!!!!
What is it with these fuckin zero people? Does Paul Gilbert get trolled like this or do his
people quickly delete all of it before anyone sees it? It seems like every video I post now
collects trolls like a magnet!!!!

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:18 pm
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

Usually guys like Paul just ignore the comments and leave it up to the viewers to decide... actually there is always some troll posting shit like Paul is just speed (although Paul is really rarely trolled) or Vai is sloppy and sucks or Yngwie is fat and has no feeling.. etc etc.. some day on other forum some idiot trolling actually said Frank Gamble was messy and he didn't know if he could actually sweep pick well because he couldn't hear his guitar clearly!! he was laughed at of course..
girl playing guitar.. tits/kitchen comment, guys plays fast he is too fast, he sucks, guy playing too slow, he is too slow and thus he sucks, there is always someone starting a guitar brand argument, a pickup or amp debate.. some stupid discussion..
the point is that no one can escape it!

Eventually troll comments disappear as they get ignored, voted negatively/ laughed at or marked as spam. (as long as the fanbase has some intelligence)

Other guys actually take their time to delete or approve the comments (but that would be soooo time consuming and not realistic for you, moderating 500+ videos is way too much)

I don't particularly like the block the comments completely approach as a viewer or a poster, but I've seen guys who had to do it on occasions where they knew that trolling would be imminent and unstoppable (it reminds me of the time that that creative studio guitar teacher analyzed how coldplay copied satriani and the comments were flooded with idiotic coldplay fans who couldn't even spell a single word correctly, let alone play an instrument but were insulting Satriani, calling him names, calling the dude who posted the video a fag etc etc...)

I always vote the obvious trolls negatively and flag them as spam, rarely insult them because they get their kicks from negative responses, but i sometimes cant resist a consistent "your trolling attempt has been discovered" "you are an idiot, they are predictable. On the bad side sometimes some people legitimately ask stupid questions and get flagged astrolls.. but i guess that's collateral damage.
If everyone on this forum does it consistently and votes the good comments up, i guess we could at least keep it down and take away the trolls fun, they'll just continue their journey and troll on other guitarists channel probably Orianthi's :)

As Frakh said it is sad, but i guess its just typical human behavior... sad but true :)

Last edited Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:35 pm | Scroll up


RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:57 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Gambale is SLOPPY! HA HA HA!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!
He is the cleanest, most accurate, high resolution timing, sweep picker that ever walked the Earth!!!!!
Now thats a purebred TROLL comment!!! Well I let the trolls run rampant for a little while until it gets old
looking at their bullshit and then I erase it and block them as well. Its summer time now so all the little
teenagers are sitting at home now on the internet and so I expect it to ramp up accordingly.
Its like internet noise.

I know Eric Johnson is very strict about his forums - his people screen you before they allow you in and if you even HINT at a troll comment they ban you and erase you permanently. I can imagine Paul Gilbert is so busy he doesnt even LOGIN to read the comments! I also cant imagine Yngwie Malmsteen sitting at computer and being concerned about comments!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!

I kick them out when they start getting on my nerves - also depends on my mood. However - when people start spelling my name wrong intentionally or making fun or jokes out of my name, I erase them for good IMMEDIATELY - I cant stand that shit at all! You can imagine what my childhood was like - now you know why I get so pissed off!

Last edited Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:58 pm | Scroll up


RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:42 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Yeah I think from now on I will erase these clowns much sooner instead of allowing myself to engage with them and get wrapped up in their utter troll bullshit! That last guy occupied a valuable space in my thoughts today for way too long! Trolls also dont EVER let up if you engage with them - they always have to put in the last little fuck you comment don't they? Well I may get some collateral damage from honest people asking retard questions who I think are trolling but that's the blues in the big city.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:30 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

Yeah they just spew some random bullshit and go on about their business, they do this on every video they can and just forget about it, they may check some other time if they had a response and of they did indeed tick someone off , they will continue no matter what!
As you said they will try and have the last word, so arguing with them is pretty consuming and they will only stop if the discussion happens on a forum like this where they can get called out and ridiculed..

Its not practical to deal with them using logic, they write their comments in less than 30 seconds and if we take them seriously it gets sooo time consuming, on the bright side they usually forget trolling back on comments that didn't get the reaction they wanted.

Youtube comments are not worth moderating, so as long as stupid comments get forgotten and flagged as the spam they are into oblivion the trolls will move on to other videos where they get a response (my bet is they will join a Slash vs Buckethead argument, you guys would be amazed at the stupid arguments Slash fans use (these are people who actually think that they can play guitar because they can play guitar hero - i'm serious, there are people who seriously think that-

Not everything is bad though, for every troll there is a person watching the videos , learning as much as they can and being thankful.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:38 am
by nickjacquet (deleted)

I wasted almost two fucking years playing that game to get most songs 100% on all difficulties b4 I bought my first 30$ kiddie-guitar...I would give almost anything to go back in time and change that....but I must admit that w/o that game I dont know that I would have ever started down the path of the guitar

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:41 am
by nickjacquet (deleted)

By the way that was not a level...and yes I know that it is pathetic...but even things that were done initially for childish reasons can have the funny effect of changing you and taking you down strange paths that dont really resemble your original reasons for picking it up.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:13 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

not pathetic at all, i agree about the twisted paths our life takes sometimes :)

the game itself is not bad or pathetic or anything, it is just a game.. the notion however that people claim they will be able to play just as easily on guitar is the baffling part.. its like kids saying they are great soldiers because they play ego shooters..

and usually when it comes to dedication they give up, i guess most games are way too easy and rewarding these days.

I remember beating friggin super mario bros or doom 2 as a kid!! it was so frigging hard and it required one to actually sit down and frigging concentrate XD.. if you fucked up you had to start from the beginning!! nowadays it is just mindlessly press A or click away and let your brain rot (professional gaming such as Koreans and their Starcraft cyber-sport culture aside, those guys actually train around 10 hours a day with professional coaches and they make big bucks through sponsoring and tournament wins.)

Last edited Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:30 am | Scroll up


RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:02 am
by nickjacquet (deleted)

yea man guitar is like level 8 Mario brothers...Smooth sailing until you get there...but once once you do it can drive you insane

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:29 am
by AceLuby • 63 Posts

I too got serious into guitar because of guitar hero. All of my friends were spending countless hours perfecting the game on hard and expert, so after I beat normal I too started putting in the hours to get 'good'. After about 2 hours of this I looked beside my TV and saw my real guitar just sitting there and I thought to myself 'why am I wasting my time learning a skill that is almost entirely useless 'acting' like I'm playing the guitar when I can learn the actual song and play it anywhere I have a guitar handy'? From that point on I never picked up GH again, bought a looper, got some lessons, and now I'm working towards being the best musician I can possibly be.

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RE: Abusive Trolls on You Tube

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:07 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Here's a classic YouTube moron vehemently trying to argue with me about some really basic music theory.
Feel free to post a comment or two if you find it amusing!


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YouTube morons calling me now

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:32 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

The YouTube morons are calling me on the phone now! "Duhhh Uhhhh, uhhh is this 'pepper' brown?" YES IT IS "Uhhh uhh I had some questions on the CAGED system...." GO AHEAD AND JOIN THE FORUMS AND POST YOUR QUESTION. "Uhhh duhhhh uhhhh ok. click."
No activity. Fuckin retards want immediate gratification and cannot even join a FREE forum!!!

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RE: YouTube morons calling me now

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:04 am
by notenjesus • 23 Posts

Well, i think ur famoust man and ppl know you have been in contact with pro's like Buckethead. Google a picture from him and u find just one without his "kentucky fried chicken something like that" on his head. So ppl are interested in getting new information about him and you know it. They get angry that the internet (or you) doesnt unmask Buckethead.

Sorry for my shit american english.

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RE: YouTube morons calling me now

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:20 am
by dyzar • 1 Post

Unmask Buckethead? not worth the risk...you know how hard it is to put out a grease fire?~~~~

Last edited Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:21 am | Scroll up


RE: YouTube morons calling me now

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:29 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

That mask will be his legacy unfortunately. Maybe someday in the far distant future he might become Brian Carroll again....thats the kid I knew.

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RE: YouTube morons calling me now

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:50 am
by BuffaloBill • 13 Posts

Pebber, it makes me sad you dignify their SHIT, even in the smallest way, by giving it any thought or consideration whatsoever.

I hope you can institute a strict-policy of just ignoring all the negative comments and the shit.

I know it can be difficult not to react, but the negative stupid stuff are not thoughtful words :
It is equivalent to just gibberish BLAHBLAH that superficially resembles the English language,
but which pushes nobody forward, and is no good for anybody.

Use the power of your amazing mind just to simply IGNORE and pass-over.

Stupid people tend to be the loudest and most vocal.
Many people who love your videos probably don't bother to comment,
they are too busy listening to you and practicing your lessons,
meaning their voices are outnumbered by the fools.
Such is the nature of the internet.

And the rest of us who love ya, and may speak up time to time,
will ultimately never be able to stem the loud torrents of blahblah and shit from the shit-apes.
So best your brain just scrambles the messages so they look like this --> laiHFAs;id;iASUDJ;LADHFASJHF.j,h;LASdhjlkdjsfhkdlfjho328679DJ
and then move on

Last edited Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:51 am | Scroll up

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