Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:38 pmby nickjacquet (deleted)

Pursuant to a piece of advice that Pebber had expressed to me, I am embarking what part of me suspects is a fools errand. I have picked a few Coltrane tunes that I thought were interesting and have begun transcribing them for 6 strings...This is new and exciting territory for me...will post further when I have bitten off @ least a mouthful trascription wise...I have a suspicion that the hardest part of this process will be nailing down the rhythms/timings...

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:49 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:02 pmby texblues52 • 5 Posts
Keep us posted on your progress. The "Kind of blue album by miles Davis". Which features coltrane is one of the greatest examples of improv that i am aware of...a masteriece!! I read somwhere that it was the only album that Duanne Allman ever listened to. Transposing music/solos from other instruments is great endeavor. Please post what you come up with

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:02 pmby nickjacquet (deleted)

I am about 30-ish % of the way through blue train....but its gonna be a while before I have all of it...that guy plays so fast +figuring out
how to mimic the accents he does on his saxophone is going to take some patience.

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:45 pmby nickjacquet (deleted)

I made some solid rogress on the 'Train earlier today...just realized that I have been in woodshedding it up for about 24 hours straight...I just realized that I am actually really tired right now....
got forbid that I should develope terminal tendonitis and have to fly to Switzerland to by euthanized lol...I just told my mom to add my carpals to her prayer list...phew now I am safe.

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:56 pmby texblues52 • 5 Posts

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:16 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
Its not a straight 24 hour practice session that will make you get good - its more like 3-4 hrs a day for 24 MONTHS in a row and THEN you will have solid results. Be very careful of overpracticing especially if you think you might have carpal tunnel problems or tendonitis. You can really do more harm and damage than you realize. Many players who get carp or tendonitis simply CANNOT take a break from playing or practicing even when doctors and chiropractors tell them to give it a rest. Case in point is the former world class guitarist frmo the band BRAND-X, John Goodsall. Goodsall developed tendonitis in the late 70'sand it ruined his entire career because he wouldnt stop and even played gigs wearing a brace on his wrist. Well, he eventually gave it a rest. Permanently. He has wandered back into playing again now after almost 30 years later. That would suck wouldnt it?

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:05 amby uderoche (deleted)

When I was a teen, a friend and I would have "practice competitions" to see who could practice longer. Sounds silly now because, how did we not know if the other was lying or cheating! But we were kids. Anyway, back then I would hit 12hrs a day. That's my limit. Although I have learned and I do very much agree with Pebber that 3 to 4 hours of CONCENTRATED practice (absolutely no distractions) over a LONG period of time (years) is probably more beneficial. The brain needs time to absorb and assimilate the information and the hands need time to rest. A lot of my own hand issues can be traced back to NEVER warming up and going into these marathon practice sessions.

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:40 amby nickjacquet (deleted)

Can someone please explain to me why
4 hours of concentrated practice > 12+ hours of concentrated practice
I Dont spend my time jamming allong to metallica tunes and playing power chords all day...
95% of that time is spent slowly chipping away @ bohemouth module chart...not noodling
I'd like to think I possess an attention span that is @ least equal to (but possiblly greater than) a goldfish.

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:56 amby nickjacquet (deleted)

I did take about 2 years of private classical guitar lessons (4/per week) so I have faith in the classical form of practicing guitar (even if footstols do look a wee bit pompous)...I have to beleive in its efficacy even when spending 12+ hours in the shed, which is basically my whole life now...I am done with colledge, I am unemployed, and I have few friends...What am I supposed to do with myself after four hours of guitaring...put the guitar down for the day and spend the rest of the day watching the clock and thinking about tommorow?

RE: Coltrane Transcriptions for guitar
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:41 pmby deltadiscos • 321 Posts
Quote: nickjacquet wrote in post #10
I did take about 2 years of private classical guitar lessons (4/per week) so I have faith in the classical form of practicing guitar (even if footstols do look a wee bit pompous)...I have to beleive in its efficacy even when spending 12+ hours in the shed, which is basically my whole life now...I am done with colledge, I am unemployed, and I have few friends...What am I supposed to do with myself after four hours of guitaring...put the guitar down for the day and spend the rest of the day watching the clock and thinking about tommorow?
Well what are you doing here get back to that shed!!! lol

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