
RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:37 pmby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts
My practice today was.. 1 hour of picking one single strings, 1/2 hour spider, 1/2 playing 14 position system..
2 hours... I only did 3 things...
It is tough to stop doing something , I just wish I had more time.
I think I will have to divide my practice in days, each day will have a different topic !
What do you think?

i personally think 'i' shouldn't try adding a lot to a practice schedule till i get good enough at what im already doing to execute them flawlessly at a gig. i don't know how valid this is. did you get straight to the 14 position system or did you start with the 5 position system 1st? i think pebber stressed that students should start with 5 position system 1st. i mean i had some knowledge about CAGED. but im starting over with pebbers vids anyway just to be on the safe zone.
i do single string picking for more than an hour each day. separate practicing of each stroke and subdivisions with a metronome. then i do alternate picking while changing strings with every stroke. i haven't even touched on muting yet.

I tend to agree about not moving away from one thing until you feel you have a high enough level of mastery to move to another challenge. I'm working with just very basic stuff and getting a lot out of it. Just making the metronome disappear alone takes quite a bit of practice. Since discovering Pebber's material my main goal has been not to just play the exercises, but to pay attention to all of the aspects of technique while playing them. It's very challenging if you're being honest about your own playing and skill level. I currently only have about 1 or so hours to dedicate to focused practice. So I just concentrate on the basics, CAGED, trills and properly playing the four finger permutations. I couldn't actually see having enough time to practice all the different modules in a single day. I remember Pebber mentioning in his videos that each area should be focused on for months (might have been 10 weeks?), before moving on to a next phase. He does also specifically mention chopping up your practice time into 5 or however many minute sections depending on how much time you have, to cover all the areas you need to cover.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:44 amby deltadiscos • 321 Posts
Well i spent 5.30 hours last night on Practical picking then ladders as i feel pretty good on the spiders.
When first starting off trying to do everything and found I was jumping around to much not really getting the full benefit so
Now I focus on one thing in module 2 at a time.
And the ladders like everything else when doubling and triplets and so'on becomes a picking exercise.
Really cannot emphasize enough how important the picking is think that is were most people are lacking
I now find my right hand starting to get better than the left... Thanks Pebber

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:47 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
You guys are now discovering the true essence of it all. You have 7 modules - each module addresses specific concepts. If you practice out of each module you develop all the skills for musicianship and technique. If you want a well rounded and thorough basis to base your career on then all 7 modules are important. Its up to the individual alone to determine how much time you spend in each one or which one you work on. If you spend 20 minutes in each one thats 140 minutes a day - a little over 2 hrs. If you have 3 hrs to spare then you can spend about 26 minutes in each module. I personally used to spend over an hour in each module every day. Some days I spent 2 hrs in each module. But do you have that kind of time and dedication? Its not easy to cast off everything else I know. But any super pro virtuoso always has spent that kind of time for a lot of years to get as good as they are. You can get better with a 2hr a day routine, but the big problem with almost every single person hands down is that their technique is terrible and it sucks so you need to spend the BULK of your efforts in perfecting the technique and timing. So I grind people on Module 1 and 2 for a long time - everyone wants to work on EVERYTHING else right away - they want to solo over this and that and shred this and that - so OK then they start doing that - only to realize the technique barriers they encounter. Back to technique work again. You can practice as much or as little from each module as you want - but if you want to solo over complicated chords or rhythms then go ahead and try it and see how quickly your hands cant do what you want them to. Its true for all musicians on many levels. Steve Vai has a 10 hour practice routine that looks astonishingly similar to the daily practice routine - every virtuoso player has their own version of a daily practice routine. Spend as much time as you like - in each module or in only ONE module - that IS the essence. YOU decide what to do. The only competition you face is YOU vs YOU. And it IS all on YOU and YOU alone.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:49 amby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts
Hahaha in my case it is me against myself and against my wife and my TWO kids....
They make my small practice even worse, they are always distracting me..
Someone asked me if I started with the CAGED first or if I jumped strait to the 14 position system..
I asked people the exact same question 3 years ago...
Iv been studying with Pebber for 3 years, I have ben playing guitar for 19 years and had never use a pick before. So I started using the pick and started on the caged sys...
I stayed with the caged sys for 2 years!!!!!used it in everything , all gigs , every gigs...
Than after I learned the 7 position and after the14 position..
Once you have the caged system down stick with it...
Because the caged and the seven are INSIDE of th 14 position system, so you have to learn the CAGED sys very wel than move to 7 thn 14.
I don't really like the 12 position system...
Another thing: I tryed learnIng the 14 pos before the caged and I got burned out!!!
But hey everybody is different, you can listen to Pebber's advice or you can do it on you own ideAs and pay for the consequences after

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:31 amby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts
Oh yeah and before I forget , the 14 position system helped me to understand the 7 diatonic modes of the major scale better since it starts in all 7 scale tones of the major scale..
The way to do this is you have to sit down and with a pen and paper write this stuff down , hang it on the wall , think about it. Eventually it will make sense to you...
Now I understand the modes and I figure the fingerings for all modes. Now my next step is the scale tone system or I will start on the MM, I still don't know what to do next,..
A little help , tip on this next step is apretiated.
Scale tones system or MM 14 pos?
Or HM?

I'm in a similar boat, I've been using the 5 position system for a couple years and learned, memorized, and used the 14 position system over the last 3-4 months or so and have it down, down, down. So like you I'm wondering if I should decide on a new scale and learn it or keep at the 14 position system for a bit longer until it is absolutely second nature.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:19 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
Hudson said it absolutely beautifully. You have to get a pen and paper and write this shit all down all the time. I have provided TONS of free blank neck and chord grid diagrams and free tab paper and music notation paper all for free on my website so you can do exactly that. Just one thing - you can make as many copies as you want but dont ever take my name and copyright off the bottom of the page.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:40 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
After you learn the 14 position system then you download the "virtuoso scale system." This is the same 14 pos system but it goes into all 14 positions of Melodic Minor, Harmonic Minor, and then more tangy and tart transylvanian minor sounds with Hungarian Minor and then a very spacey sounding scale which George Russell calls the Lydian Diminished scale and all the self-proclaimed jazz gatekeepers call it that as well. Its only a Melodic Minor with a +4 - not too intimidating when you realize what it is. You practice these scales the same way as the daily practice routine - work on the left column of the major scales first and then gradually add ONE scale to the right (Melodic Minor).
Melodic Minor and Major are only different by one note so you learn by INCREMENTALISM (my famous concept ha ha ha).
The daily practice routine worksheet is updated every once in a while to reflect more current ideas and inclusions. The latest version is 7-4-11 and you can download it from my website by this Sunday Night. The differences are very slight - but so many guys have gone through module 3 and asked me what "other" scales they should work on - that I had to sit down and redesign it. Now before you start practicing out of Module 3, you have to consciously DECIDE what scales you are going to practice. Consequently, there will be a corollary file called "PB_Scale_Syllabus.pdf" that that will go along with it so you can make a more definitive choice.
Practice sessions should be sort of modular if you want to get good. That means dont JUMP around from day to day on way different stuff you will never master any of it. Do the same group of ideas repeatedly until YOU really you are ready to move on. If you work on an idea or a scale for a longtime and then go play a gig and try to use it and then you find that you bungle it or screw it up royall then you KNOW that you did not practice it enough or long enough or thoroughly enough.
By now you guys KNOW that all these websites and blogsites offering "Master the guitar in 3 weeks" are all so much crap!
The daily practice routine also has companon videos in great detail. Just ask HUDSON - he hates them because there is so much stuff on thenm and he needs to become a monk and quit his job to do it all! Maybe send ONE email to his wife ONCE a month asking how the kids are doing.
If you dont have the time - it doesnt matter. YOu just do what you can do and just KNOW you are on the right track and eventually results will happen. The track is the track. Many players have worked out their own versions of it - mine is just one of the many appraoches - but it IS a completely well thought over synthesized system derived from ALL of the teaches I have studied with - Joe Sandino, Howard Roberts, Pat Martino, Joe Diorio, Russ Tuttle, Kenneth Taft, Ron Eschete, Ted Greene, Robben Ford, the late Paul La Rose, and a handful of amazing but unknown Classical and Flamenco teachers over the decasdes and also what I would say are as close as you can get to actual lessons from John McLaughlin and Allan Holdsworth on several occasions. Add my own analysis and organizational process to it all and then teaching it all for 35 years and there it is you have it all now for free!
But - if you guys DO want the videos that go along with the daily practice - you DO have to hit subscribe on my Lesson Signup page on my website. Its that fuckin' electric bill that keeps me from doing everything for free you know..... oh yeah those fuckin' GROCERIES as well - I hate those fuckin groceries they piss me off - what a fuckin WASTE of money! I could buy some new PEDALS with that money but NO the human body just fucks us all up by getting hungry! Seriously just go do it.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:56 pmby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts
Hahaha, I try to practice as much as I can...
And for a guy who had a wife and two kids im not doing so bad...
And also I re-started playing guitar 3 years ago when I met Pebber, before I was playing fingers style picking and didn't know how to improvise anything ..
Now I can use the pick prety well, I can improvise a little , understand theory in depth, I now have a strong base in music theory, my technique got way better and I even learned how L.A. people say Hellow... Hahaha.
The best part is: when it is practice time I just put on a video and follow along on the daily practice sheet...
I hate all the young kids that don't practice having all this AMAZING. Lessons and videos from Pebber Brown... I AM PISSED NOW
Anyways, there is no way you can get better without a teacher, without lessons and Iv been playing for almost 20 years and had a lot of teachers and Pebber Brown is BY FAR the best ..

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:57 amby deltadiscos • 321 Posts

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:07 pmby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts
Just a quick up-date on my practice:
Today I finished my 2 week right hand exercise only....
I'm not kidding here, I noticed that I am much faster today and my endurance is much longer...
I'm going to keep on doing this every day, I gotta buy a practice guitar "biter" and take it to work so I can practice picking ...
I'm really amazed on this results that I had from this 2week practice .
Today I was like : " holy cow!!!!" I can't believe I got that fast so fast , it feels like I grow up a foot overnight...
I feel like I improved overnight , so fast ..
Thank you so so so much Pebber Brown .
You realy know what you are talking about....
I'm going to do this every day...
I just have to find more time to practice the other parts as well... Like left hand , songs etc...
I can't thank you enough.....
Take care.

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:47 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

i practice minimum 4 hours per day now. and these are the things i do
open string
1. picking in one direction at 60bpm upto 5s (upstrokes and downstrokes separately at least 3 minutes on each string)
2. picking alternate at 75 bpm upto 8notes per beat. 8 is a bit hard i should go at 70 for some time i think
3. adjacent string at 50 bpm upto 9s alternate picking
4. open string trills at 50 bpm 4 trills per beat each finger each string takes about 20 to 30 minutes i think (haven't timed)
5 closed 2 fret trills spanning 4 frets. 1-2, 1-3,1-4, 2-3, 2-4, 3-4.
6. chromatic permutations 1234, 1243, 1342, 1324.
im doing this schedule since this monday and im wondering if its too much materiel in a single day. of course i transcribe after all these..
i've recently developed a idea of transcribing 5 songs of 1 artiste spanning a month or more(depending on difficulty). i started with santana and got europa note to note(with help of a tab and then lot of listening to how he does the phrasing)
am i going in the right direction?
i gave up on pebbers scale exercises for now as i think i have a lot to develop in my technique area. especially hand co-ordination. that area could use a really long work out. i'll post of a video of me practicing soon.
for now this is the only material i have to show you how i suck(audio)

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:55 pmby condoriano • 28 Posts

Well....I should have held my tounge a bit...but there has been guys that come on here...serious question and then wham...we are hearing a promo of the band they are in........
You sound good and everything......just post it in the band thread....
sorry about being overboard...
dont worry about it...
No harm no foul....
“A World Without String Is Chaos”
Randolf Smuntz

RE: Daily practice..
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:15 pmby hudsontoronto • 79 Posts

the link will work soon i hope. i should get to my daily routine while waiting for this to upload. there will be another video. i think this didn't get the fretting hand properly

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