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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:49 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

McLaughlin is fast but INTERESTING. Not just running scales or scale sequences.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:30 pm
by NicholasJacquet (deleted)

I certainly was not trying to put out or down either of them, after all they are better than I will ever be. I just suffered terribly at the hands of wrist picking for a couple long years before I found Pebber. I always dreamed that there had to be a easier way of doing things...then I discovered PB.

Modoric Aknowledgements:

Play Guitar better than Fred Durst?---Check

Play Guitar better than Lil' Wayne?---Check

Play Guitar better than Franz Listz?---
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:23 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

Hi Cliff,

Are you playing with backing tracks via the headphones or are you just using them to monitor yourself? If you have backing tracks it would be cool to hear you play against them

... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:44 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

This is my technique update for this year:

I've been having issues with my computer regarding making and posting videos. I hope this works.

For anybody still wondering if Pebber Brown's info is legit (I'm talking to all those guests that I see logged on all the time)-know this: I've only been using his Right Hand Picking videos (Vol 1 to 3) for little over a year and all I can say is that I've seen nothing but progress. Slow progress but progress all the same. It's been hard work but well worth it. Pebber doesn't pull any punches either. He's telling everybody the truth about developing technique. My only beef is that I didn't find his stuff when I was 17....

Some of the things that I've been noticing is that I'm able to play more fluently than before. My right hand doesn't crap out on me as often. I've been able to sit in with some really good players in town and they don't kick me out! :D.... Overall, I feel more in command when I take a solo where before I was alway second guessing myself because the tempo was too fast or the changes are going by too quickly. Pebber's stuff delivers.

I'll post another update in a year. The experiment continues....


... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:51 pm
by Cliff • 344 Posts

Hey John - that sounds great. Beautiful clear tone, and you look really relaxed and comfortable.

In the vids where you see me playing with headphones, I'm just monitoring myself through my practice amp, usually with a metronome going DI into the amp too. I have also posted some vids with backing tracks, mostly in the 'Just Jamming' thread. But be warned: it ain't pretty, I don't have anything like your ear or fluency.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:12 pm
by uderoche (deleted)

Quote: John567 wrote in post #280
This is my technique update for this year:

I've been having issues with my computer regarding making and posting videos. I hope this works.

For anybody still wondering if Pebber Brown's info is legit (I'm talking to all those guests that I see logged on all the time)-know this: I've only been using his Right Hand Picking videos (Vol 1 to 3) for little over a year and all I can say is that I've seen nothing but progress. Slow progress but progress all the same. It's been hard work but well worth it. Pebber doesn't pull any punches either. He's telling everybody the truth about developing technique. My only beef is that I didn't find his stuff when I was 17....

Some of the things that I've been noticing is that I'm able to play more fluently than before. My right hand doesn't crap out on me as often. I've been able to sit in with some really good players in town and they don't kick me out! :D.... Overall, I feel more in command when I take a solo where before I was alway second guessing myself because the tempo was too fast or the changes are going by too quickly. Pebber's stuff delivers.

I'll post another update in a year. The experiment continues....


John, great stuff man! Getting out and playing music with people is what it's all about so I'm glad to hear you are doing that, enjoying it, and having greater success at it! This is great work! Keep it up in 2014!

Twitter @ursinderoche
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:51 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

thanks for the replies man

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:14 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Thanks for the Reply, so it looks like my biggest problem is my picking hand haha. Also appreciate posting those videos, ill probably post a video on my picking just in case in doing something wrong again.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:26 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Really uncomfortable to use the thumb and pointer to pick. hahaa let me know if anything should be corrected, my hand was pretty worked out from this, ill keep practicing though. And I noticed that while I play I'll sometimes do the thumb pointer pick thing but then switch to the wrist.. is that a bad thing that will go away with practice or do you do both while playing?

i was trying 6 notes per beat at 56 bpm with my fingers pulled in and i thought i was doing more thumb movement but to me it looks like im still using the wrist.

Last edited Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:28 pm | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:41 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

I use this pattern as a picking exercise aswell


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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:15 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Another picking excercise

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:53 am
by uderoche (deleted)

^^^ This is looking good. The scalpel motion should be practiced independently. The wrist motion should be practiced independently. Once you feel comfortable with both you want to try practicing them together. This all takes some time to build up and become comfortable with so don't get discouraged.

Your left hand looks good but your 4th finger lifts up off the fretboard too far. Find Pebber's video on ladder exercises. Do ladder exercises with the 2nd and 4th finger and then the 3rd and 4th finger every day for an hour. In about 3 months time this will be corrected.

Looks good! Keep going and don't get discouraged.

Twitter @ursinderoche

Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:30 am | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:01 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Greatly appreciating your help and replies uderoche. So get both motions down then use them together i see. And ye i was remembering you telling me about my 4th finger while i was practicing ... its hard not to lift up that far haha so ill find these ladder exercises. And yes i use a dava jazz 3, same one in john567's photo its my favourite one aha.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:15 am
by uderoche (deleted)

To correct the left hand fingers from jumping all over the place and lifting up too far, you can't just think about it and hope it comes around. You have to practice doing it with the ladder exercises. DO NOT continue to play incorrectly. Practice slowly. The reason you practice slowly is because your brain does not understand what finger motions are good and bad. It only knows to do what you tell it and it assumes any command you asked must be correct. Therefore, you practice slowly. This gets the brain to remember how to curve and move the fingers aka muscle memory. My point is, you can't keep doing these picking patterns and expecting different results. Practice these ladder exercises. 1hr every day. In about 3 months it will not be a problem.

Twitter @ursinderoche

Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:30 am | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:43 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Totally get what you're saying man. Thanks for finding me the video ill make sure to practice this minimum 1hr a day. (slowly)

Last edited Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:44 am | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:08 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

Big thanks, Ursin. Pebber's stuff is gold.....

... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:11 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

Hey Mat,

I got about 4 to 5 hours that I can practice during the week. At least 1 hr is just picking. Just up and down... for 1 hr... everyday.... 1 hr....


... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:48 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Nice man, I've watched I think two of your videos, the first post on this thread and that one you posted a couple days ago. Your playing is very good i enjoyed watching them.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:50 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

These ladder exercises are killer! holy crap it took me 3 hours to go through 5.51 - 5.84! I tried for 4 minutes each one of them( 5.51 for 4minutes then 5.52 for 4minutes etc..). dam my hand is worked lol. I did have to take a couple breaks during because my hand was startin to hurt but I did work on picking while resting my left hand. I'll keep at this everyday.

That last one 3---4 NUTS

Last edited Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:51 am | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:24 am
by uderoche (deleted)

Quote: MatGeorge wrote in post #295
These ladder exercises are killer! holy crap it took me 3 hours to go through 5.51 - 5.84! I tried for 4 minutes each one of them( 5.51 for 4minutes then 5.52 for 4minutes etc..). dam my hand is worked lol. I did have to take a couple breaks during because my hand was startin to hurt but I did work on picking while resting my left hand. I'll keep at this everyday.

That last one 3---4 NUTS

Good. Very important to keep at this daily and not skip a day.

Twitter @ursinderoche
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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:33 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

messing around with the tapping solo from Metallica's: One

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:21 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Doing a trill exercise. These are intense, I have to take breaks in between strings so I work on my picking but I didn't record those parts.

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:23 am
by uderoche (deleted)

Tapping sounds cool. When you do the trills you need to keep the other fingers curled in. Your 4th finger is perfectly straight pointing out into the air. It needs to be curved in. Also, when doing trills that involve the 4th finger, it needs to be curved so that the motion is up and down and not reaching out with the 4th finger. All the fingers need to be more curved and stay curved the entire time unless you are doing some wide vibrato bending thing.

My general rule I tell students is that when your fingers are curved to the point that you feel "This is ridiculous. I'll never be able to play guitar like this." Then you are probably doing it correctly.

Twitter @ursinderoche

Last edited Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:25 am | Scroll up


RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:39 am
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

yea I was guessing they needed to be curved, but I do find I wouldn't be able to play if I did it that way lmao. I'm guessing if I focus on it enough and do it slowly it will come eventually. Thanks for the feedback

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RE: Posting Videos

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:43 pm
by deltadiscos • 321 Posts

Trills look good keep working em, as Ursin said pull that pinky in
Remember when trilling most of the movement/power comes from rotating the hand/arm rather than the fingers.

You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
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