solfege.org and ear training
RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun May 23, 2010 1:20 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
The use of interactive tutorials using standalone Computer Assisted Instruction software in teaching music has become popular worldwide and is widely used with many available current programs for Mac and Windows and also on Linux.
Here is a short list that I compiled of interactive eartraining and solfege programs for PC and MAC.
Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory (http://alfred.com/)
Auralia 4 (http://www.risingsoftware.com/home.php)
Practica Musica (http://www.ars-nova.com)
Theory in a Box (http://www.theoryinabox.org/portal.php)
Music Goals (http://www.musicgoals.com)
C.A.T.S (Computer Aided Theory Skills) - (http://www.musictheory.org.uk/cats/)
eMusicTheory - (http://www.emusictheory.com/)
Gary Ewer's Easy Music Theory - (http://www.musictheory.halifax.ns.ca/)
Rudiments 2.1 (http://www.treblis.com/rudiments.htm)
Teoria (http://www.teoria.com/)
Musition (http://www.risingsoftware.com/musition/)
KBA Ear Training and Music Theory (http://www.musicstudy.com/)
Music Ace (http://www.harmonicvision.com/)
Earmaster Pro 5 (http://www.earmaster.com/)
Big Ears (http://www.flat5software.com/)
GNU Solfege (http://www.solfege.org/)
Listen (http://www.edly.com/listen.html)
Ear Power 3.0 (http://www.earpower.com/earpower.htm#)
Speedy Music Reading (http://www.speedymusicreading.com/)
Perfect Pitch Ear Training (http://www.special.perfectpitch.com/)
Mibac Music Softwware (http://www.mibac.com/)
LenMus (http://www.lenmus.org)

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun May 23, 2010 8:46 amby jimiclaptoncarl • 117 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun May 23, 2010 8:07 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue May 25, 2010 10:15 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:28 pmby theoryinabox • 2 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:15 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:06 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:37 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
I went to a seminar (actually I didnt "GO" to the seminar - more like I was ON the Video Camera Crew and HAD to be there) from this PhD guy and it was a seminar on business networking. Business networking is what he talked about for 2 hrs and these guys fit the classic misconception of networking. The speaker said when you go to a party to meet people, shake their hand and ask them what they do and be genuinely interested in listening to their story. He said thats networking. He also said that people mistakenly "think" they are networking by meeting people and handing out cards and telling them that "we shoudl do business" Thats not networking thats obnoxious hard selling and its a turn off for most genuine people. These guys dont offer any comments in my forum on anything, dont ask antyone what they are into - instead they bust in and slam ME on a "free trial account" and leave an email address that I have to cut and paste to go to and then go in and navigate through there and figure out how to get in. Classicly poor business mentality. If it were my company I would try to take a marginal interest in the forum comments first. They not only came in rudely, but have not bothered to even check back in and read our comments and try to correct any misconceptions we may or may not have. Nope - just wham bam slam and outa here. DO they really think that they will get a lot of people to sign up or even login and check out what their shit is all about?

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:37 pmby FRaKh • 321 Posts
You know what it reminds me of....those fuckers from china...india...or wherever the fuck they are from asking YOU to hold their money for just 7 days and YOU get a check for 50% of that money from their bank! All YOU need to do is give them YOUR account number! All these guys do is blanket the forums and hope one or two dumb asses will bite! You know what they get? They get their fucking email address copied and paste to every porn site on the net! Lets see how much junk mail THEIR server can handle???
“A World Without String Is Chaos”
Randolf Smuntz

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:14 amby FRaKh • 321 Posts
I know...fucking networking! Lets become friends......lets have lunch.....how are the kids....by the way did you get to look at MY product list for sale....for you half off. Bunch fake assholes just fishing to see what ideas or dollars they can steal from you while pretending to be TRULY interested in a friendship....assholes.
Hey THAT reminds me of someone.....this guys name isnt BRIAN is it??
He must have been at one of those seminars early on...or maybe just a natural???
“A World Without String Is Chaos”
Randolf Smuntz

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:50 amby theoryinabox • 2 Posts
I'd like to respond to Pebber and the other members of this forum. Many things have been written since the infamous "free temporary test account" posting and I'd like to follow-up. I realize in hindsight that the previous post violates good forum etiquette and I apologize for that.
First, and probably most importantly, Theory in a Box is not a product of a company looking to get rich. It was built by Bloomingdale School of Music, a non-profit community music school located in New York City. The school has been here since 1964 teaching music to people of all ages from around nyc.
About 4 years ago, we decided to build an internet-based theory program because our students weren't able/interested in attending theory classes. Over a period of three years we developed TIAB from scratch. It became apparent during development, that since it was completely internet-based, it would be easy for students and teachers from anywhere to use it. We "packaged" three different version of the program designed for independent students, studio teachers, and schools.
Theory in a Box is not a moneymaker for the school and probably never will be. It represents a small fraction of the school's budget (less than .01%). We charge for the program to cover the cost of having a person on-staff who is available to help via email or phone whenever a student has a question about the course material. The cost for schools is particularly affordable at $10-$12 per student.
The offer of a "free temporary test account" was in response to Pebber's initial listing of programs that he was interested in reviewing, which included our course. Perhaps "free account" was what I should have written. In any case, it is literally impossible to review TIAB without an account as the course itself requires a username/password. There are tours, information etc. about the course, but to really do an in-depth review, an account is necessary. We were happy to have Pebber review TIAB since it's relatively new and we aren't aware of existing reviews.
It might be that TIAB isn't right for anyone on this forum. It doesn't get into blues or jazz theory which might be important for you as guitarists. It also is not aimed primarily at ear training although there are ear training components. It focuses on beginning through advanced-intermediate theory and is intended for people ages 10 and up. As you all know there are many theory programs available, many of them free, and a lot depends on what you like and how you learn.
I hope this post clarifies where I was coming from in my original post.
Clay Greenberg
Program Coordinator
Theory in a Box

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:36 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
No it doesnt. YOU DONT GET IT. We dont care about all the specs of your financial hardship now or the history of your company or what fraction of the "school's budget" it represents. YOU JUST DONT GET IT DO YOU?
Plus - DO NOT start telling everyone that your post was "in response to a request from Pebber Brown" everyone here knows that I DONT SUBSCRIBE to ANY "requests" for any type of "free account" or temporary account from anywhere = quite the contrary - Emails from spammers only irritate me and I have a long history of aggravation on deleting and unsubscribing to bogus spam that claims their drivel is "in response to a request" made supposedly by me.
You started us off here all on the wrong foot. Maybe your school has value - but now that you have sufficiently PISSED OFF a legion of serious dedicated ultra disciplined music students I doubt you will make any headway and you may want to keep that in mind next time one of your people sits down to blast the forums with something like this.
Learn some proper manners. Learn some netiquette. Learn how to properly network online. The world of online music education websites are full of propaganda and fictitious claims on how and what the student will master within in an unheard of short amount of time and we are all overly jaded by all of it.
Spamming forums will only get your reputation trashed more than it already is right now. If you have something serious to offer then learn some manners and have some intellectual respect and use some people skills when you want to induct new members, even if on a trial basis. -=>PB

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:22 amby be&say • 12 Posts
Here's a good one:
Online, free and with a bunch of interesting options (like speed which is VERY important).

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:34 amby Lash • 7 Posts
Ive been using "Functional Ear trainer" By Allan Benbassant
Its free and small . It comes in two versions. Basically a guessing game I sometimes play for hours. The advanced version is a little tough.

RE: solfege.org and ear training
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:48 pmby deadcrustpunk • 9 Posts
Zitat von pebberbrown
No it doesnt. YOU DONT GET IT. We dont care about all the specs of your financial hardship now or the history of your company or what fraction of the "school's budget" it represents. YOU JUST DONT GET IT DO YOU?
Plus - DO NOT start telling everyone that your post was "in response to a request from Pebber Brown" everyone here knows that I DONT SUBSCRIBE to ANY "requests" for any type of "free account" or temporary account from anywhere = quite the contrary - Emails from spammers only irritate me and I have a long history of aggravation on deleting and unsubscribing to bogus spam that claims their drivel is "in response to a request" made supposedly by me.
You started us off here all on the wrong foot. Maybe your school has value - but now that you have sufficiently PISSED OFF a legion of serious dedicated ultra disciplined music students I doubt you will make any headway and you may want to keep that in mind next time one of your people sits down to blast the forums with something like this.
Learn some proper manners. Learn some netiquette. Learn how to properly network online. The world of online music education websites are full of propaganda and fictitious claims on how and what the student will master within in an unheard of short amount of time and we are all overly jaded by all of it.
Spamming forums will only get your reputation trashed more than it already is right now. If you have something serious to offer then learn some manners and have some intellectual respect and use some people skills when you want to induct new members, even if on a trial basis. -=>PB
this right here ladies and gentlemen, is the reason that pebber is a man of integrity and not a man in pursuit of the dollar nor in pursuit of fame by creating a name for himself. i totally agree on the netiquette thing and i would have to say that he issued us a HUGE compliment by calling us dedicated ultra disciplined players! LET the ban hammer strike peb! send this guy with his "NPO" (non profit organiztion) robin-hood mentality packing!
are you REALLY justified in having NOTHING to say???

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