Profile for deadcrustpunk


General information
Location: montebello california
Occupation: electrician/ HUMAN RESISTOR
Hobbies: playing guitar, re-wiring guitars, hanging out at style's, listening to music, watching movies, getting inked
Date registered 07.16.2010
Date of birth: 14. July 1982
Last online: 11.01.2010
Sex: male


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deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:15 pm | jump to post

dude, way to go!!! awesome videos!!!! if i were to do this i would REFUSE to show my face as it would come out messed up everytime!

deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:48 pm | jump to post

Zitat von pebberbrownNo it doesnt. YOU DONT GET IT. We dont care about all the specs of your financial hardship now or the history of your company or what fraction of the "school's budget" it represents. YOU JUST DONT GET IT DO YOU? Plus - DO NOT start telling everyone that your post was "in response to a request from Pebber Brown" everyone here knows that I DONT SUBSCRIBE to ANY "requests" for any type of "free account" or temporary account from anywhere = quite the contrary - Emails from ...

deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:27 pm | jump to post

WOW dude, great job!!! practice makes perfect... that was a VERY cool video man! keep up the good work!don't let the sarcastic clap mean anything... i just thought you might get a laugh out of it!
deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:22 pm | jump to post

Zitat von AdamI created this Thread so anybody who has an idea to better the Forum can submit it here. By the way, I hate to disappoint the Trolls, Bottom-Feeders and Unemployed Comedians, but "Ban Adam" is NOT gonna work! I'm here to stay, both to better myself and to torture YOUR sorry asses! Now, suggest something, or get back to pretending to be a Gee-tar Playa!SUGGESTION: Since this AWESOME Forum continues to grow every day, I think it's time for PEBBER to make some type of "READ THIS FIRST...
deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:06 pm | jump to post

Zitat von uderocheZitat von JonashredWatch Pebbers left hand videos to seeDude, not only have I watched all of Pebber's left hand technique videos multiple times, but I have discussed left hand technique with Pebber ad nauseam, and he has never mentioned peg the point of nausea? wow, you must have REALLY discussed the hell out of this! but to be completely honest i don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what the hell the "pegged" concept is.

deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:05 pm | jump to post

i had to register for school today (la trade tech where the 10 and 110 freeways meet, and as a result of my major's classes being almost ALL taken i decided to enroll into an introductory guitar class... i look forward to UN-sucking even MORE!!!
deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:02 pm | jump to post

peb,if you design a guitar hero/ rock band video game... i will buy it (and probably multiple copies at that) on PURE principal!!!!

deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:52 pm | jump to post

boy do i feel dumb reading about this... but as stated... practice makes perfect... one day i WILL UN-suck enough to understand what all of this means! until then... i must practice my picking!

deadcrustpunk has replied to a post
Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:22 pm | jump to post

if you want me to be honest with you.... if you're into modifying guitars (i've only modded humbucker/ humbucker... i would recommend dean guitars... relatively in expensive and they adapt pretty well, given that they also have a decent amount of cavity space... i put push-pull knobs to do coil splitting and i love it! just a suggestion, good luck!


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