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  • Faz - Video Showing My TechniqueDateWed Aug 25, 2010 6:15 pm

    dude, way to go!!! awesome videos!!!! if i were to do this i would REFUSE to show my face as it would come out messed up everytime!

  • and ear trainingDateTue Aug 03, 2010 3:48 pm

    Zitat von pebberbrown
    No it doesnt. YOU DONT GET IT. We dont care about all the specs of your financial hardship now or the history of your company or what fraction of the "school's budget" it represents. YOU JUST DONT GET IT DO YOU?
    Plus - DO NOT start telling everyone that your post was "in response to a request from Pebber Brown" everyone here knows that I DONT SUBSCRIBE to ANY "requests" for any type of "free account" or temporary account from anywhere = quite the contrary - Emails from spammers only irritate me and I have a long history of aggravation on deleting and unsubscribing to bogus spam that claims their drivel is "in response to a request" made supposedly by me.
    You started us off here all on the wrong foot. Maybe your school has value - but now that you have sufficiently PISSED OFF a legion of serious dedicated ultra disciplined music students I doubt you will make any headway and you may want to keep that in mind next time one of your people sits down to blast the forums with something like this.
    Learn some proper manners. Learn some netiquette. Learn how to properly network online. The world of online music education websites are full of propaganda and fictitious claims on how and what the student will master within in an unheard of short amount of time and we are all overly jaded by all of it.
    Spamming forums will only get your reputation trashed more than it already is right now. If you have something serious to offer then learn some manners and have some intellectual respect and use some people skills when you want to induct new members, even if on a trial basis. -=>PB

    this right here ladies and gentlemen, is the reason that pebber is a man of integrity and not a man in pursuit of the dollar nor in pursuit of fame by creating a name for himself. i totally agree on the netiquette thing and i would have to say that he issued us a HUGE compliment by calling us dedicated ultra disciplined players! LET the ban hammer strike peb! send this guy with his "NPO" (non profit organiztion) robin-hood mentality packing!

  • Video showing my left hand technique...DateFri Jul 30, 2010 5:27 pm

    WOW dude, great job!!! practice makes perfect... that was a VERY cool video man! keep up the good work!

    don't let the sarcastic clap mean anything... i just thought you might get a laugh out of it!

  • The Suggestion ThreadDateFri Jul 30, 2010 5:22 pm
    Forum post by deadcrustpunk. Topic: The Suggestion Thread

    Zitat von Adam
    I created this Thread so anybody who has an idea to better the Forum can submit it here.
    By the way, I hate to disappoint the Trolls, Bottom-Feeders and Unemployed Comedians, but "Ban Adam" is NOT gonna work! I'm here to stay, both to better myself and to torture YOUR sorry asses! Now, suggest something, or get back to pretending to be a Gee-tar Playa!
    SUGGESTION: Since this AWESOME Forum continues to grow every day, I think it's time for PEBBER to make some type of "READ THIS FIRST" Thread, that ALL Newcomers should read, BEFORE making their first post. Here, Pebber can lay out HIS vision for the Forum and also put down some RULES & REGULATIONS. I want those who are SERIOUS and DEDICATED to feel Welcome, and I also want Trolls, Bottom-Feeders and other "Know-Nothing-Know-It-Alls" to understand that this place has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for certain things. It is unfortunate that something like this should be posted, however, given Pebber's name and reputation, along with the devotion of his Students, there are those who would look to unscrupulously prey on these fine things, and that does NOT sit well with me.
    (I just hope he doesn't ban swearing, because if he does, my fucking vocabulary will be cut by a third!)

    in response to this i think that it may be a good idea to have a "new members introduce yourselves here" thread and welcome these people in so that they can feel more welcome into this forum instead of it having the feel of an inside clique...

    on the other hand i'm with you guys on the profanity, so long as there's no FLAMING the there shouldn't be an issue... cussing is one hell of a fucking way to accent shit! know what i mean? if not then.....

  • To peg, or not to peg?DateFri Jul 30, 2010 5:06 pm

    Zitat von uderoche

    Zitat von Jonashred
    Watch Pebbers left hand videos to see

    Dude, not only have I watched all of Pebber's left hand technique videos multiple times, but I have discussed left hand technique with Pebber ad nauseam, and he has never mentioned peg technique.

    to the point of nausea? wow, you must have REALLY discussed the hell out of this! but to be completely honest i don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what the hell the "pegged" concept is.

  • High School/College Level Music ClassesDateThu Jul 22, 2010 9:05 pm

    i had to register for school today (la trade tech where the 10 and 110 freeways meet, and as a result of my major's classes being almost ALL taken i decided to enroll into an introductory guitar class... i look forward to UN-sucking even MORE!!!

  • Plastic Guitar GamesDateThu Jul 22, 2010 9:02 pm
    Forum post by deadcrustpunk. Topic: Plastic Guitar Games


    if you design a guitar hero/ rock band video game... i will buy it (and probably multiple copies at that) on PURE principal!!!!

  • understanding scales/modesDateWed Jul 21, 2010 4:52 pm

    boy do i feel dumb reading about this... but as stated... practice makes perfect... one day i WILL UN-suck enough to understand what all of this means! until then... i must practice my picking!

  • Upgrading An AxeDateSun Jul 18, 2010 8:22 pm
    Forum post by deadcrustpunk. Topic: Upgrading An Axe

    if you want me to be honest with you.... if you're into modifying guitars (i've only modded humbucker/ humbucker... i would recommend dean guitars... relatively in expensive and they adapt pretty well, given that they also have a decent amount of cavity space... i put push-pull knobs to do coil splitting and i love it! just a suggestion, good luck!

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