
New Student -- Confirming a few things

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:53 pm
by herm • 14 Posts

Hey All,

I just got my first access to the lessons and wanted to clarify a few things--

1.) Right now I should only have access to all Module 1 videos, the first Module 2 video, all the Music Theory for Guitar videos, and all the Blues videos, nothing else.

2.) It seems the goal of these lessons is more or less to build up a practice routine over time that will grow to include all 7 Modules daily, but for now I should be focusing on tightening up the technique on the videos which I have access to (mostly Module 1 right now).

3.) If #2 is correct, does that mean that I should stay away from the Youtube videos so as to not get ahead of myself?

4.) From browsing the forum here it seems like the general attitude is that daily practice should consist of whatever I'm working through currently in these lessons, but also maintaining regular practice in my repertoire and improvisation as I go? (I know that's on the bible-sheet, but not until near the end).


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RE: New Student -- Confirming a few things

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:43 am
by Adam • 172 Posts

Hi Herm,

Welcome to the Forum! It looks like you are a serious and focused student,,,LOVE IT! You have some great questions, and as a longtime student and friend of Pebber (2008), I can definitely provide a little feedback I hope you find helpful:

I would focus the majority of your efforts on the basics (Module 1, for example). However, students are encouraged to post videos (NOT too long; 1-2 minutes is fine) of themselves running through items in Module 1. This way, we can give you feedback, but most importantly, Pebber will be able to weigh in and see where you are at. Remember, he's been at this for 35+ years and knows his stuff; no other way to put it. Assuming you are a paying student, Pebber will assess your readiness in terms of proceeding through each consecutive Module.

As far as the YouTube videos,,,,DIVE IN! Even though you want to concentrate and focus on woodshedding what your current Module dictates, it certainly does no harm to supplement this by checking out any of Pebber's YouTube vids.

The important thing is to have FUN with this, but I do advise that you take Pebber very seriously in terms of any advice he will be giving you. As long as you prioritize the current Module you are working on AND can manage your time effectively, there is no reason why you can't explore other areas in Pebber's system.

Remember: We are here to help you!!!

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RE: New Student -- Confirming a few things

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:49 am
by herm • 14 Posts

Thanks Adam. I think I follow but I'll be sure to check in as I move along and start to upload videos.

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RE: New Student -- Confirming a few things

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:53 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Lots of bonus videos for signing on! You are subscribed to the ONE video lesson per month rate at $25/mo. Many people wonder why the second month only includes ONE video (not 13 freebies!) The whole system is designed to have people progress on their technique in a very solid, organized way - step by step. You can jump around to anything you want but all the videos you get sent are going step by step through all the modules one video at a time. It takes quite a while to get through all of it but the results are proven. Anyone who has done this system has made remarkable improvements and many are now touring professionals who are in bands and many are also guitar lesson instructors in their own hometowns. I have also had the pleasure of having a few dozen students go on and get accepted to the Berklee College of Music, Musicians Institute and University of Southern California as well as being accepted into jazz and classical guitar programs in many colleges and universities not only in North America but in Europe and Australia as well. I have almost 2000 former students who have been accepted into major music programs all over the world. Do this, do this and you get this. It works!

Last edited Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:06 pm | Scroll up


RE: New Student -- Confirming a few things

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:17 pm
by herm • 14 Posts

Awesome, thanks, Pebber! I started with the single plan just to try to get into the swing of things and not overdo anything, but very well may upgrade if I can keep up the pace.

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