
Heres a question video that I made (hopefully either Pebb/FRaKh can answer some of the questions it asks)

This is what we are talking about....thank you for the video!
From What I see on the video...it appears you do have the correct idea.
Soo that part is good...for straight Sarod.
now for the problem
The problem you described is a TENSION problem with the strings...(where you are playing on the neck)
This is how I solved this problem.
It is easier to play sarod fast with higher tension(string tension with the pick)
Do you agree?
I divide up the neck into 3 parts....the open strings would be a 4th part...but this is how I solve that problem.
1. divide the neck into 3 parts.....1st fret through 6thfret.....6th fret through11th...and 11th through the remaining frets. I do not worry too much about the remaining frets because the string tension for those notes are about the same.
2. Use a symmetric pattern..say whole step whole step and practice each of the three parts separately until you can get used to the tension of that area.
you can practice(in Gmaj) patterns 1-8 for area 1........patterns 8-13 area 2....and patterns 13,14,(then repeated1-14) for area 3.
These are if you memorized the 14 positions.
The idea is to practice these areas over and over because the tension in my opinion is soooo much different than each other. And since the Sarod is based on balance...especially tension of pick to string.....practicing these areas separately WILL really help.
The open strings are the hardest since they have the least amount of tension.
I know I will...must make a video on this because its a bit abstract but I hope you can see what I am driving at?
At least the idea.
The best way to practice this concept is through symmetric patterns.
you have the idea of the movement...but you need to put in the time to strengthen those particular muscles...try the weights...5lbs at first. And carry a pen with you at all times...:)
Your right hand fingers should be tucked in! I think this is a critical idea...nice and neat....
Also to answer another part of your question...
My grip on the pick is adjustable on the fly. I can adjust the pick as I play until I find the sweet spot. And tuck your fingers in.
I like your video...this is what I am talking about....:)
Thank You
next video please post in its proper thread...its just easier to keep track....
“A World Without String Is Chaos”
Randolf Smuntz

Absolutely you should man, you are DEFINITELY onto something when you describe the string tension discrepencies btw/ open, low frets, and higher frets...Basically what I think changes is the ammount of force that the string pushes against the alternating pick. Remember how ISAAC NEWTON said that for every action there is an equal and oppoisite reaction? Like when a train hits a butterfly when its en route...the newtons of force that the train exerts on the butterfly is equal and opposite the newtons of force the butterfly exerts onto the front of the train. The pick is the train and the string the butterfly...when they collide they exert equal (albiet vectorally opposite each other) force on each other.
Force (#newtons)=Mass x Acceration. So the Variation in force that you were speaking of btw 4 fret board regions can only be explained by either 1.) The Mass of the String has changed...or 2.) The Acceration of String movement (Dy/Dx of V(x), where V(x) represents the speed of the string) has undergone a change. Since the only way that the strings are moving is by vibrating, I think it would stand to reason that the resistance that the string exerts onto the pick that is picking it, is caused by the fact that a vibrating string is moving (Vibrating) at a different velocity that when it is being freted.

RE: Posting Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:43 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
Here's a GREAT on from my student Darryn Green from the UK.
Fire off a few encouraging words to him if you like it.
He is doing the exercises on Module 1 Detailed videos parts 1-5
where can you get those??? sign up and subscribe!!!

RE: Posting Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:38 amby deltadiscos • 321 Posts

What a great videos... you guys rock!
And Pebber is right... excuses that match mine, like having a non-functional web cam, or no money to buy some more decent one to make a decent video, sounds lame big time.
But since being without a cam means that one sucks... it's no big loss. I really suck for myself... there's at least 2 or more human lives needed to learn(discover) everything what can be done. Anyway, for some period of time, anybody can try to ignore my rambling if they don't like it, till I can afford a camera to share ideas... and then everybody can say I suck in whatever I suck... till then, consider me as a keyboard jockey freely, no hard feelings.
Again, interesting videos guys. Very inspiring.

Hi guys, just wanted some advice if you see really big mistakes/habbits in this Video, I know it's completely not accurate and
the Timing is off many times xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kNf2yxzQ...=1&feature=plcp

RE: Posting Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:34 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
Well its supposed to be where people post videos of their technique. I guess that video is still "on topic" but the wrist only picking and the tea drinkin pinky extending way out PROVE that there was no study of the techniques involved at all. Just "heres me I can play a Buckethead song." Not really the intention of this topic - but ok - whatever - as long as the forum doesnt get too clogged up with people doing Buckethead covers its probably fine. Study the techniques dude and try to practice them.

To K Kromp :
You should give it a go. It was difficult to do at first (actually still is especially for the odd beat groupings like 5 and 7) but I find myself getting more and more into it as time goes. Its hard to explain but I feel an increase in control of my right hand picking if that makes sense. My strength and endurance has improved dramatically. I'm feeling muscles in my right arm activate that I've never noticed before.
Just to let you know. I've never met Pebber in person and I have never taken a lesson from him. I was just a guy watching youtube videos until I came across Pebber's channel. I couldn't believe the amount of material he's put out there. Plus he studied with the man himself Dick Grove. I only knew one guy who studied Grove's material years ago and it was through a correspondence course! Crazy, eh?
I don't think I've could've done it without the Pebber's videos and DVD (I'm waiting for the other two to arrive). I think a lot of it has to do with the way Pebber shot it with his video set up. It's totally from a 1st person point of view. Its as if you are in Pebber's head and looking down at what he is doing. There just something that translates there that you can't put into words. It's like you get to be Pebber for an hour.
Pebber is the real deal.

i used to pick with 2 fingers stuck to the pickguard. i forced my self to learn pebbers method and now i play with a floating wrist most of the time. it just took a month of focused practice. i was doing scalpel upto now. and i added a sarod practice routine beginning yesterday. it feels weird but eventually i'll get it down. one thing i do is view pebbers videos a lot of times. i'll watch a video once a day and sometimes i catch something i didnt get the 1st time.

Hey ashan,
Have you posted a video yet? It would be cool to see how others are progressing. It's motivating to see how everyone is doing in general. Every time I need a little pick me up I just watch Pebber, FRaKh, uderoche... I find myself picking up more and more as I watch them in general... monkey see monkey do, eh?

yes i posted it on daily practice thread i'll post it on here too.

Thanks for the reply, you mentioned Tea drinking pinky( I'm from europe xD), in your Videos, I will work on it, it sounds weird but I'm kind of happy that I pick only from the wrist because I used to use my whole arm for 2+ years, I will post a Sarod Video when I got a hang on it. btw do you still got the classical left hand technique when youre way high on the neck, because it seems very difficult to me

Good stuff, ashan.
What kind of guitar is that? Ibanez? Do you find it easier to do Pebber's sarod stuff on it rather than a different guitar? It seems that different guitars don't matter as much when it comes to sarod. Where before when I used my wrist like K Kromp, I always had to adjust. Anybody encountered that before?

its a ibanez prestige 2550. best guitar i own. i have a fender japanese strat, a yamaha pacifica(currently under modification) and a yamaha SA 2000s. im still learning sarod. so i cant comment on that yet. scalpel picking used to feel very odd when i started. but it became easier with time. it took months though. im glad to play with a floating wrist. im guessing that eventually sarod will get easier. i dont thing any technique depends on the guitar once you get it down(you should be able to do the techniques on all guitars you own)

its good to have a floating wrist than fingers on the pickguard. fingers on the pickguard becomes a problem when you go from fender style body to a gibson style. theres definitely a difference in length from body to the strings. so theres no other method than pebbers that works on any instrument. some of his sarod videos are done with an acoustic.

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