
Picking exercises on all strings

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:07 pm
by pinkmoonman • 14 Posts

Going through the first few modules. With this one i tend to stay on each string for a little long, so feel free to skip though and you'll get the same idea.

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RE: Picking exercises on all strings

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:53 pm
by Adam • 172 Posts

Hi pinkmoonman!

My name is Adam Steinz, and I am an administrator here at PB Guitarstudio Forums. Thank you so much for posting this video! I watched it and would like to share some things with you:

1) Video Length & Editing: As you can imagine, Pebber gets HUNDREDS of videos like this each month. I know this, because he often sends a handful my way for me to review. It is highly suggested that we try to keep our videos no longer than 2 - 3 minutes each and just focus on one exercise at a time, as opposed to just a few seconds of demonstrate exercise-then-skipping-to-the-next-exercise--for-a-few-seconds-then-skipping-to-the-next-exercise (I think you get it). This will help ensure that each video is reviewed MUCH quicker, because Pebber will often try catching up on reviewing videos in between his in-person lessons and in-between his classes at LaVerne. It is way more easy for us to watch a few 2-3 minute videos, than having to start/stop several times in a 9-minute video. Short videos will are also easier to edit in terms of getting rid of what I refer to as "dead space." This includes things like having the metronome clicking in the background for extended periods of time without playing along to it, tuning up, excessive talking, "um's" , "ahhs," or "uhhhh's", and starting/stopping an exercise multiple times. I'm definitely not saying that you did all of the listed items. These are just examples of things we constantly see. Having said all of this, THANK YOU for posting your videos in the actual Forum, where it suggested they go.

2) Metronome: Thumbs WAY UP for using one!

3) Timing: Your timing is really good! However, most exercises were only played for short bursts, as opposed to a more sustained demonstration of your abilities. Try playing each exercise, without starting and stopping, for at least 20-seconds, or more. This will give us a much better understanding of how well your timing is. I really did like the way you would try to accent on the "1." So now that we know you can do this, try playing each note with the same "attack;" keeping each note at the same volume.

4) Right-Hand Technique: Looks GREAT!

5) Your Questions Regarding Picking: Pebber will the the FIRST to say: Use whatever technique works best for YOU! I often rest, or "anchor," my right hand when scalpel picking, but I also let it "float" when playing/strumming chords (especially open chords). I also float my right hand when using Sarod Picking.

In closing, I believe that you certainly have the tools which will allow you to get better and better. You just need to "tweak" some things, especially playing each exercise for longer, consistent amounts of time --- No more starting/stopping over and over! Shorten the overall length of future videos, as well. Other than that, you are well on your way, my friend!


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RE: Picking exercises on all strings

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:06 pm
by deltadiscos • 321 Posts

great video moonman maybe just slow the metronome down to start with, will make those 32nd notes easier when you get to em. you want to get your upstrokes sounding like your down strokes so maybe work on those alone too.
keep working at it though mate nice job, keep us updated.

You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
One note can say a million words........It can also take a million notes to say one word

Last edited Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:09 pm | Scroll up

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