Hi Pebber and everyone else. I am a new subscriber with the email codylundy@rocketmail.com
Here are some practice videos to give an idea of what my technique looks like. Critique away.
Here I am doing the Spider exercises from 5.21 to 5.28 at sixteenth notes. The only one I had to slow down and resort to Triplets was 5.27.
Here how my picking hand looks like. I first do all strings with scalpel then move on to sarod. The next video will demonstrate timing increments.
I alternate pick on all strings from one to six notes per beat at sixty bpm.
These are the trills and I play them at six notes per beat at sixty bpm.
I decided to show me playing some of the Segovia scale patterns just to demonstrate my actual technique all together. Apologies for the mistakes.
Here is some chord scales in three different keys with voicings in different stringsets. Just to give you some idea of what my technique looks like. Sorry for the mistakes again.
Finally, here's a piano solo I started transcribing a couple of days ago. Just to show what my technique looks during actual performance.
Thanks for taking the time to watch all the videos.

RE: Practice Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:13 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
Thanks for posting these up here.
The right and left hand techniques look good. The form looks like you understand it and you are well on your way to develop good technique. Tighten up the travel distances though and fine tune the movments.
Timing - Whoa! your timing needs a lot of work. Run that metronome through some speakers and crank it up if you can.
Video making - frame up the shots properly - if you are playing at the 1st to 4th fret then dont cutoff your hand at the top of the frame so we cant see it. Naming the BPM - if you cant put a short title in when you switch timing/BPM ratios, then just simply announce it into the mic.
This is all good progress though - you are definitely on the right track.

RE: Practice Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:15 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
practice that Ami 3 octave scale to these backing tracks and then make a video:

RE: Practice Videos
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:19 amby pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Hi Pebber. Thanks so much for the feedback. To answer your question about the transcription, I had the help of my teacher with learning this portion of the solo. I started doing new practice material for this month and will post back with more videos along the way.
This is my current warmup routine: spider exercises across the neck, chromatic permutations doubled picked with four pairs of permutations a day, trills
To work on timing, I will be using the videos you sent as reference and apply them to your 14Pos system through your matrix of ratios. [1 - 10:1, 1 - 10: 2, 1 - 5:3]
I also will practice the chord scales at quarter notes at the recommend BPM you suggested.
I need to have someone record me playing the exercise so I don't have to use my phone and position in awkward angles around my desk.
Again, thanks for the feedback.

Hi Dewey,
You are demonstrating some really good stuff, here! Those "Segovia Scales" look & sound nice, so now try playing those over the backing tracks Pebber linked up for you...In fact, try incorporating Pebber's "Stacked Pentatonics" and/or Pebber's "Scaletone Forms" into those backing tracks.
I am really impressed, Dewey!

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