
RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:23 am
by tplu7234 • 39 Posts

The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance.
By Ericsson, K. Anders (1993, Psychological Review)

For anyone interested in expert performance ^^ The 10,000 hour rule. This puts a grounding on success, if you at any time have any doubts about your quantity of practice then give this read, instant reality checker.

Just remember Theo, the greater your technique the better you will be able to play in any type of music. It is hard to over-practice this kind of thing, ideally you want to be at a level where you can focus mainly on songs but your technique must come first. Be realistic and proportionate, the daily practice routine on this website will put you on the right track.

There is nothing wrong with practicing 1 hour a day, or 10, but the latter will get your there much quicker. It all depends on your goals.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:56 am
by uderoche (deleted)

Practicing changes at different points in your life as your life changes. I started playing guitar in middle school so, of course through middle school and high school I could not practice 8 hours a day because my parents made me go to school. I would usually get in 1 or 2 hours in the afternoon and then hit it much harder on the weekend going as much as 12 hours a day on the weekend. When I graduated from high school at 17 that's when I started 6-12 hours a day of practice. I did not have a job for 4 years. I sat at home and practiced guitar and studied music. I did nothing else. This drove me quite insane and after 4 years of this I had to seek psychiatric advice because I thought I was going mad. I was told to leave the house and find employment. I was 21. From 21-28 I stopped practicing 12 hours a day and practiced 2 hours a day, sometimes more on the weekends. At 28, I became a full time teacher and musician and began to practice 6-8 hours a day which I have been doing the past 7 years as I am 35 now. I usually take the weekends off from practicing.

So, what I am meaning to say is, your life will sometimes dictate how much you can or cannot practice guitar and if you have a wife and children and a job of course you cannot practice guitar 8 hours a day.


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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:21 am
by Theo • 19 Posts

Just remember Theo, the greater your technique the better you will be able to play in any type of music. It is hard to over-practice this kind of thing, ideally you want to be at a level where you can focus mainly on songs but your technique must come first. Be realistic and proportionate, the daily practice routine on this website will put you on the right track.

Yes I know. Damn I'd whish that when I was 20 there was internet and people like Pebber Brown around. I didn’t take lessons because I’d read Jimmy Hendrix and many others also didn’t take lessons. I thought they were sitting at home, like me, finding things out all by themselves. I didn't realise they were constantly among other musicians where they learned from. At that time I’d knew that a lot of practicing was good so I did, but not in a daily schedule of a certain amount of time. And also off course didn’t know what to practice. So I must have wasted a lot of time. Well life is all about learning.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:45 am
by uderoche (deleted)

Yes, this is where lessons come in handy. Saves you years of self discovery. But, there are things you must discover on your own.


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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:53 am
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

At some point, you do have to spend a few years doing at least a 5+ hour a day practice routine. When I had a wife-like girlfriend with kids and a day job to pay for all that I didnt practice much - more out of utter depression as to what my life was like rather than not having a few hours to put in. WHen you have a "family" and a day job - you feel like "whats the fuckin use? its over anyway - I will never get anywhere - this is as good as it gets." So I spent a lot of time not caring. But I did keep my chops in salvageable condition due to the fact that I always had at least 20 students in my schedule and was in a nightclub band - so what existing chops I had at that time stayed the same and didnt "deteriorate. What saved my ass were Mighty Mac and Uncle Allan. I went to go see McLaughlin a few times and Holdsworth as well and that snapped my ass out of this "family" crap!!! I started practing again and started telling my girlfriend to fuck off. The result was that the kids started getting interested in guitars and she moved out and back to her mom's place. I have been happy ever since and due to guys like Ursin and Adam and all the gusy on here, I spend a lot of time making instructional videos so I do practice a bit more now. I am in a Graduate program in Theory and Composition so that east a huge chunk of time and energy but it wont forever.... all good man.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:35 am
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von pebberbrown
So I spent a lot of time not caring.

In most sports it’s often good after a season, or a period of hard training, to take some time off. Maybe it’s even good to get a little out of shape. Doesn’t this also apply a musician?

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:49 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts


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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:03 pm
by Theo • 19 Posts


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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:23 pm
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

Really interesting to read about your lifes guys. I guess we all have to make "sacrifices".
During the last 6 months i pretty much gave all my friends the middle finger, and they got sick of me not answering the cell phone, it is never important tbh. No one calls anymore and some kind of got offended, but the others have come to accept that i enjoy sitting in my room for hours just practicing, it is surprising how many people do not understand why someone would do "such a thing".

Sports? middle finger.
Social Events ? fuck them
Parties ? never liked them never will
Facebook ? the biggest waste of time this generation has invented ( its gonna take the throne that TV had for so long)
Videogames? nay nay

I reduced everything to; my family, my gf, my guitar/music and least and yes last! Uni..(just 1 year and ill graduate)
however ive never been happier in my life.

Last edited Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:26 pm | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:29 pm
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von uderoche
I did not have a job for 4 years. I sat at home and practiced guitar and studied music.

I don’t have a job at this moment. And if I do have a job it’s not an interesting one anyway. Your remark makes me thinking why not go for it. But there’s certain dilemma. I’m 50 years old so what can I accomplice? Even though Pebber would say you suck, I think I can play a little guitar. So I’m not a beginner at 50. I started at my 18th. And where does it lead? Is trying real hard to get everything out of the guitar worth the effort at my age? These days I play one to three hours a day and sometimes much more and sometimes not at all. It's hobby, not work, I do it for fun. Now the dilemma is how far to commit myself...

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:10 pm
by tplu7234 • 39 Posts

At my guitar school we have 3-4 guys over 70, who are just beginning guitar. One has had a few broken fingers and is going to face huge challenges as we progress but he has racked up near the most hours of practice at the school. He is retired, so he does have more time than some other people but he is spending it wisely doing something he wants. I asked him what made him want to play guitar: 'I wanted to years ago and never did...now I have a chance to change that'.

I guess the message here is that you should not worry about your age, just worry about what you want to do most. I used to worry that I was starting guitar too late at 18, I would see guys who had played for 10+ years thinking they were awesome...4 years later I realised they really weren't and were too busy worrying how their hair looks rather than how well they play. '50 years old' should really be '50 years young' if you think about it, you have stacks of time.

If you enjoy it and want to take it to the next level then practice practice practice, you have to decide how important it is to you. Do you have a teacher Theo? If you are serious about improving then it would be wise to find the best one in your area.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:00 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

^ beatiful post.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:59 am
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von tplu7234
At my guitar school we have 3-4 guys over 70, who are just beginning guitar. One has had a few broken fingers and is going to face huge challenges as we progress but he has racked up near the most hours of practice at the school. He is retired, so he does have more time than some other people but he is spending it wisely doing something he wants. I asked him what made him want to play guitar: 'I wanted to years ago and never did...now I have a chance to change that'.

I understand. At any age you can start playing an instrument. But at 70 you won’t become a Joe Satriani anymore. My point that I would like reach a more or less high level. I want to make beautiful rock music. And off course for that you don’t need to become a John McLaughlin or Steve Vai. IMO these super guitarists don’t always make likewise also super music. In that sense I can settle for less.

Zitat von tplu7234
I guess the message here is that you should not worry about your age, just worry about what you want to do most. I used to worry that I was starting guitar too late at 18, I would see guys who had played for 10+ years thinking they were awesome...4 years later I realised they really weren't and were too busy worrying how their hair looks rather than how well they play. '50 years old' should really be '50 years young' if you think about it, you have stacks of time.

When I was 18 I also though I started too late. I’m sure earlier is better but I always say the later you start the later you’re worn out. LOL.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:40 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

There are occasions when people can become great guitarists even if they start at a later age - for example, Allan Holdsworth started playing at age 18 and he is probably one of if not the best on the planet. But the hours involved between 18 and 30 were extreme.
I had a guitar student who started at age 62 and he told me he just wanted to learn guitar so he would have something to do when he retired. he came to lessons every week for 2 years and practiced every night - not a LOT but he did practice every night. He's 66 now
and he plays in a blues band in bars and his wife loves to go watch him in his band. Thats a success story to me!

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:10 pm
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von pebberbrown
There are occasions when people can become great guitarists even if they start at a later age

On it’s own a high skilled musician doesn’t necessary be a good musician. I’m Dutch and saw Jan Akkerman many times live and found it most of the times disappointing. The fusion shit he played is not meant for a large audience. Only a few hear the beauty. I think we’re all guitar freaks here so we’re talking mostly about getting the most out of the instrument. And than we’re not talking about Keith Richards. But I’m sure he has more fans than Steve Vai ever will have. And that may say also something.

Mr. Brown, what is your definition of a good musician or guitarplayer?

Last edited Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:11 pm | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:01 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

I dont have a definition

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:15 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

Haha and to think that according to some articles Allan didn´t even like the sound of the guitar XD
Makes me at least feel reasured im not demented, because ive never liked the sound of most clean guitar chords when compared to piano.

Last edited Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:18 am | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:11 pm
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von tplu7234
At my guitar school we have 3-4 guys over 70, who are just beginning guitar. One has had a few broken fingers and is going to face huge challenges as we progress but he has racked up near the most hours of practice at the school. He is retired, so he does have more time than some other people but he is spending it wisely doing something he wants. I asked him what made him want to play guitar: 'I wanted to years ago and never did...now I have a chance to change that'.

I guess the message here is that you should not worry about your age, just worry about what you want to do most. I used to worry that I was starting guitar too late at 18, I would see guys who had played for 10+ years thinking they were awesome...4 years later I realised they really weren't and were too busy worrying how their hair looks rather than how well they play. '50 years old' should really be '50 years young' if you think about it, you have stacks of time.

Yesterday, 24-12-2011, Johan Heesters who was the oldest still preforming aritst in the world died at 108 years. He was a Dutchman who lived most of his life in Germany. Compared to him I’m still a toddler. Let him be an inspiration to.


Last edited Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:18 pm | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:31 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

hhh i like that quote of him:
"I thank god for all the beatiful years, thank god im not young anymore"

a teacher used to tell us "youth is a sickness that is cured by age" (playfully)

Last edited Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:32 am | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:55 pm
by Theo • 19 Posts

Zitat von pebberbrown
There are occasions when people can become great guitarists...

Don't you think that Robert Fripp, who is rated among the 100 most influential guitarplayers, must be a very inspiring person to every guitar player? Fripp was when he started tone-def and had no sense of rhythm. This must mean he had no talent at all. Him wanting to learn play guitar, leave alone becoming a professional, is like a dyslectic who wants to become professor in literature. I suppose if a teacher has such student he would very soon advise him to find another hobby.

Last edited Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:00 pm | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:12 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

The other day some guy was complaining his fingers were too short (they weren´t it was his bad thumb placing) and how natural talent deals the card for what you will be able to become..

Some mod told him to stop whining and start practicing and posted this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgTdVuGrAQ

The message is crystal clear to me: "if a handicapped guy who has all odds against him worked his ass off to play like that (not my taste or cup of tea in music, but the point is the point) how come you are making excuses to justify being lazy.."

Last edited Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:15 am | Scroll up


RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:04 pm
by tplu7234 • 39 Posts
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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:31 am
by Slashiepie • 118 Posts

We truly have no idea how much we suck...

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:58 pm
by Djangos_tom • 2 Posts

for me I can't get enough of it, I play about 16 hours a day, maybe 18 sometimes, I've always been the kind of person that when I do something I do it a million percent. A good idea is to learn some of your favorite songs, work them out, practice them until you can't hit a wrong note if you tried! :) Songs it what it's all about. You'll never do a gig for instance and go on stage and say 'good evening ladies and gentlemen tonight I'd like to play you the B major scale....' Practice technique because it's essential, scales because that's how melodies are made and PB's exercises (because they are incredibly beneficial) another good idea is to pick a key and jam in it for a few hours, you feel so much more inspired when you have something to practice like a song.

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RE: How long did it take you to work up to 8+ hours per day?

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:26 pm
by FRaKh • 321 Posts

That would be coooolll!!!!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen....tonight I will be playing symmetric scales in the key of....SSHHHRREEEEEDDDD!!!!


But...make sure you doc your weekly progress. Try making a video every sunday...or every other sunday so you can see your improvement. Especially if you are playing that much!!!

“A World Without String Is Chaos”

Randolf Smuntz

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