in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS
Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:36 am
• 189 Posts
Here are my two videos showing me playing the chords and scales I know. I was making a list of all the chords I know and I found that I was just repeating the same shapes endlessly so I stopped. I don't know any 6ths, 9ths, 11ths, or 13ths and I need a lot of work in some areas.
Here is the chord video:
For the scales I really only know the major scale. I was going to play the G major CAGED scale in all five positions but I realized that I really don't know them as well as I thought. I therefore recorded only positions 1 and 2 which I know very well.
Scales video:
There are some glitches in these videos. I need to get a better camera and mic as well as a better piece of recording software. This is a start, though.
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS
Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:14 am
• 189 Posts
Yes, position 3 will have to be added to my practice. Yesterday I was focusing on trills between fingers 3-4, 2-4, and 1-4 making sure to keep the 4th finger from popping all the way out.
I didn't write about this but a struggle I'm facing with that 4th finger is that it seems it is almost double-jointed. I imagine this is a common problem. If I pull my 4th finger back too far, it reaches a point where it suddenly pops back into place in my hand. I don't know if I've trained myself wrongly (probably), but to get that 4th finger down on the board it really stretches forward from the rest of my hand.
When I play slowly I can control it but at higher speeds above approximately 300 notes per minute, I lose control over that 4th finger and raise it up too high and it becomes impossible to get it back down in time.
So I started doing the trills.
I think on Saturday I will make a video of right and left hand exercises and I will show this. Of course, maybe by then it will be less of a problem. :)