Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:15 amby Ray1981 • 279 Posts
I have done for about 2 weeks now the double, triplet and quadruple picking. Unfortunately due to these hectic days i havent been able to practice very much. But fortunately everyday some. So here is a video of the result after 2 weeks these exercises I will need to practice them for a while longer thats for sure :).
This time i have made 2 videos to see to right and left hand.
Left Hand view:
Right Hand view:

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:39 amby Farelli • 189 Posts
I really like the minimum movement of your fingers on your left hand. I'm sure it could improve, but your technique looks very good especially since the first video.
On your right hand, I can clearly see the scalpel picking. It looks like you are moving your thumb joint quite a bit although you are clearly articulating each note. I sometimes have the same trouble and I realize that motion will have to decrease if I want to increase the speed.
However, your technique there also looks very tight so good job!

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:40 amby deltadiscos • 321 Posts
Looks good ray right hand looks nice and loose nice scalpel action, nice curved fingers on the left hand too. try keeping the finger you are not using (ladders) planted on the fretboard adds another degree of difficulty. don't hurt yourself though.
You think you practice enough.......YOU DON'T!............PRACTICE MORE! Darryn U.K
One note can say a million words........It can also take a million notes to say one word

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:24 pmby pebberbrown • 926 Posts
You cant play if your hands dont work. Everyone always needs technique and coordination to play.
Too many people try to learn by just playing tunes, and then years later they wonder why they cant get any
better ever and why they cant get any more speed or their timing is awful, etc. Everyone who takes the time to perfect their skills gets better and has more available to them in the long run. So many people SUCK and they are steadfast in their erroneous ways.

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:54 pmby Jeffrey • 5 Posts
Thanks for the reply Mr Brown! Do you recommend practicing alongside with actual playing songs or just get the technique part down first than start (trying) to play songs?
To me this method seems very appealing comming from a sports background. Im taking face to face lessons in my home town for about a year now and always had a feeling something was missing. I hate not having direction other than just "what song do you wanna play". I mean yes thats why I play guitar although for me a step by step approach (like I did while training athletes) with small areas to improve which eventually leads to something great is the way to go. Its measurable, specific and easy to set goals with.
Thanks for putting in all this work Mr Brown!

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:30 amby Ray1981 • 279 Posts
H Jeffrey,
I noticed in the last 7 months that i put a lot of afford in improving my technique that i learn easier new songs. This makes sens offcourse when you think a little about it. I do a lot of picking exercises and ladder exercises than in the last 1.5 month i do on daily base the chromatic scale on one string together with some other stuf from the sylabus but these 3 are my main exercises. This is about 75 % of my available playing time the time thats left i use to go thru my repertiore and learn new songs. This is my way of doing it i dont know if this is the best way.
I beleive module 7 is is for repertiore and learning songs and in the time im member i never received a lesson on this module in fact only module 1 and 2 this tells me how important these exercises are.
I'd say give it a try to focus everyday an hour or 2 on these 2 modules you'll see some great results that you cant get by just learning new songs.
grtz Ray

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri May 08, 2015 7:33 amby Ray1981 • 279 Posts
Hi All,
It been a while that i posted a video of me playing exercises. I've been doing lately a lot Spider picking and the Chromatic Scale on all 6 strings over the neck. These are the exercises I do from module 2, I do them at least 30 min a day each.
I made as well videos regarding module 1 I will place them in the corresponding thread. Critic regarding my technique is always welcome so I can imporve my playing.
grtz Ray

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat May 09, 2015 5:59 amby Paul Amos • 19 Posts
HI Ray,
Going through this thread form the beginning you can see the improvement in your hand mobility and coordination. (I wish mine was progressing as quickly as yours! I still have difficulty in keeping my little finger curled in when not in use & doing the 1,3/2,4 spider exercise!)
I can't comment on your technique as I am further behind you in this learning process, but I would say that you are the most regular contributor on the forum (since I joined) and I find it most encouraging to see. I have yet to be comfortable recording myself playing, whenever I do I make mistakes which I don't make when not recording, it is most frustrating!
All the best,

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat May 09, 2015 11:21 amby Ray1981 • 279 Posts
Hi Paul,
Thanks for you motivating comment im very happy to know that people see im improving. Sometimes it is difficult to see by yourself that there is progress, and therefor im recording myself as well!
I think my progress goes fine because I really put time in the exercises they are part of my daily life now. I try not to skip days. And the way Pebber is teaching is my way, I mean it is the way how I like to be taught (this is important too).
You mentioned your not comfortable recording yourself i have the same thing I play better when not recording. But still I think you should try doing it (almost everybody suck in guitar here anyhow ;) ). The more times you record yourself the more comfortable you get with it.
Dont use fancy high end stuff that takes hours to connect etc. Just an easy device such as a phone or a handrecorder will do the job.
Regarding your little finger have you done the classical form exercise? This is a good exercise do it very slowly think when you place your fingers onthe fretboard and do this exercise for several week on daily base. The ladder exercises, 1-4, in your case would help a lot. This is my point of view as you know im still a noob so im learning as well.
Anyhow thanks again, and I Hope to see a video from you soon here as well.

RE: Module 2 Left Hand Exercises
in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:39 pmby Ray1981 • 279 Posts
Hey All,
A couple of weeks back I started to do again the ladder exercises so I thought let make a video to see how it goes. Well there is some improvement but the big lesson on this exercise was, that I shoul dhave continued them. They are so F$%^*G important. It went a bit long i'm sorry for that guys (15min). Anyhow here a video on it:
Than I continued as well with the chormatic exercises I added a couple of weeks agod the permutation 1243. So here a video on the permutation 1234 and 1243.
Grtz Ray

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