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  • Guitar basics 101. A couple weeks material? If done correctly, you would never master guitar basics 101. Always room for improvement. Always.

  • Unconventional way of playing, yes or no?DateThu Dec 29, 2011 1:13 pm

    I played for 15 years anchoring my pinky and index finger of my right hand to the body or pick guard. I have spent the last year working HARD on using a closed fist. It has been very, very hard for me to break this habit. And i STILL catch myself anchoring( especially playing live). I think it will take another year before i can fully get rid of my anchoring habit. But, It is worth it. Good things come hard. This site is a lifetime,a LIFETIME of knowledge.

  • Ursin Morley Wah Contest EntryDateThu Jun 16, 2011 3:55 pm

    Ursin,,,I watched all of your videos. You fucking rock !! And you lend people your ideas and insight,,,,,and that is very cool!

  • Improving My Scalpel Picking GripDateThu Jun 16, 2011 3:51 pm

    I think that anyone interested in improving their picking tecnique should probably try holding the pick in Many different ways, and not worry about one specific grip,,,,,my point was that everyones pick will go out of place,,,and learning how to move your pick while playing(especially live) will benefit alot more than trying to learn one certain grip that would keep you from losing pick control.

  • Improving My Scalpel Picking GripDateTue May 31, 2011 8:06 pm

    Everybodys pick moves out of position,,,,dont over analyze it, its not a big deal. You lose yer grip,,,you get it back,,,life goes on!

  • trio songlist and help?DateWed Feb 23, 2011 5:56 am
    Forum post by walleyedave. Topic: trio songlist and help?

    I played in one of the bigger cover bands in my area for the last 2 years. I quit because i just couldnt take playing Other peoples stuff for hours on end. Thats besides the point. You may laugh, or blow this off, but from over 200-300 shows i can safely say that one bands songs blew everyone out every time we played them, no matter how young or old the crowd was. Ready? Rage against the machine!! Yes, thats right. We did a 3 song medley of rage that lit the stage uo no matter what, no matter where. It really surprised me(although i am a huge rage fan), that so many people loved it that much. You asked,,,try it out!! Also, rebel yell went over really well( and the travis picking at the begginning was fun!!)

  • Jet City AmpsDateTue Feb 15, 2011 7:14 pm
    Forum post by walleyedave. Topic: Jet City Amps

    CHINA! WTF! I checked out the clips on you tube,,,sounded pretty damn good. What ever happened to the good old days,,when everything was made in Taiwan!! Let me know when ya play one Ursin,,,,just curious, have a buddy in Florida that swears these things are the bees knees, but Nobody here carries em.

  • Jet City AmpsDateMon Feb 14, 2011 8:41 pm

    Does anyone own one of those new jet city amps?? Supposed to have the s l o circuit. Just wondering what they are like??

  • Changing tuning keysDateWed Jan 19, 2011 5:15 am
    Forum post by walleyedave. Topic: Changing tuning keys

    I have sperzels on an ibanez 520sz, and i think they are pretty good, although i think that gotoh( not sure if i spelled it right) are better. They are regular tuners, but seem really good. And i think they are a little cheaper. Musicians friend has all kinds, and they ship cheap and fast. you get what you pay for,,,,,,,usually!

  • Loop pedals in a "live" applicationDateTue Dec 21, 2010 7:21 am

    FRaKh,,,I actually bought a boss rc-20 since my last post. Got it on craigs list for a bill. I think i have this whole idea figured out, with the help of my friend joe, who has teched for limp bizkit, 311, foo fighters etc etc. The first drawback is that when looping live(with my band), if they are not getting loud guitar in their monitors, it is hard for them to stay in time whem im using loops. The other problem, which was huge, was this. If you place the looper in front of your pedalboard, you are at the mercy of having either clean, or distorted loops, because the signal picks up the most currently selected effect, ie chorus, flange, delay, overdrive. My friend suggested using an a/b box and running one amp clean, another distorted. I have 3 rigs, so i tried it, and It really was a blast using this setup. I have a stereo 4x12 cab with v-30's i it that i can use, instead of running two separate cabs. I'm not sold on whether i want to risk using it live yet, but Im still a looper virgin, but I think If a person figured out the ticks, you could do some amazing shit. Time will tell, maybe Im wrong. But as far as using it to create Riffs etc on the fly, This thing is priceless. As a practice tool, it is great. You can also feed cds into it and slow down solos in pitch, which is cool. From my studies, I think most guys that loop live are using the boomerang phrase sampler, instead of boss. I think it sucks tone out of a tube amp. Theres my 2 cents, hope someone else can shed more light on this, like i said, having something for 3 days doesnt make an expert of me. For all i know, Im completely wrong about everything.

  • Loop pedals in a "live" applicationDateSun Dec 12, 2010 9:12 am

    I am always amazed at how much knowledge I can receive by reading ALL the different posts and opinions on here. Does anyone use a loop pedal in a live application??? I play in a 1 geetar band, and when its time to solo, i would "sometimes" like to have a rythym track underneath. Also, I think just some simple textures would be good here and there, but Im just not sure if while playing live, you could get away with it and still be in time??? And playing to a click trck is absolutely out of the question! Has anyone had success doing this, and if so,,what brand looper did you use??? Thanks!

  • Applying the caged systemDateThu Nov 25, 2010 5:56 am

    What a cool story! Great advice, I will learn them ALL! Thanks Pebber! And thank yous to Ursin, Jimiclaptoncarl, FraKh!!

  • Poll : Pinky Strengthening device?DateFri Nov 19, 2010 1:41 pm

    Ursin, you obviously had a job that required the use of only one hand! Let me guess, dart tester? And i think the gripmaster is good as well, but in a weird way, heres why. I do construction, so does my friend Joe (who is an amazing guitarist). I at times wonder if raw finger strength is good or bad. I have tons of finger strength, but due to that, and the fact that i use it all day long, it seems like it takes me forever to warm up and feel fluid after working. I think muscle memory may be important on a different level than just having raw pinky strength???

  • Directional Picking / Alternate Picking / TimingDateWed Nov 10, 2010 7:56 pm

    I was simply stating what worked for me personally. I happen to belive that alternate picking is better in the long run. This guy was asking for an opinion, and I gave him one. I never claimed that What I do is the ONLY way. I believe that Pebbers style of picking is the best for me, and might be worth pursuing! I think that someone on Pebbers level has alot of experince that most of us dont. So for my money, thats where I want to go. But because you have a differing opinion doesn't make me "absurd". But I do majorly agree with finding your own style and sound, and that you shouldnt let your music and songs take a backseat in the pusuit of perfect teqnique. Guitar playing is supposed to be fun!

  • Directional Picking / Alternate Picking / TimingDateWed Nov 10, 2010 4:32 pm

    I think you should do EXACTLY what Pebber does. My reason for this is because It was INSANELY hard for me to reprogram myself to hold the pick the way Pebber explains, and it was even harder (for me personally) to use my thumb as a fulcrum in my picking, as PEbber does in his picking basics videos. After working on it though for the past 4 months, I am realizing how much easier and fluid my picking has become, which in turn, makes my playing ALOT cleaner and makes my timing more and more precise. My point? Don't 2nd guess someone who has years and years of guitar teaching. I agree with Ursin that sometimes you can catch yourself doing economy picking on a small scale, almost unintentionally, but in the big picture, alternate picking all the way.

  • Applying the caged systemDateWed Nov 03, 2010 3:28 pm

    Is learning the c a g e d thing a waste of my time?? Should i instead be focusing on the 14 pos system or the 7?? I'm trying to learn how to APPLY scales and understand how scale/modes affect relationships of singular notes/chords, and get to a point where i can recognize and solo (easily), over whatever i am hearing. I was assuming the c a g e d 5 pos thing would be a good starting point?? Any input from those of you who have driven this road would be helpful. gotta love the geetar!

  • Applying the caged systemDateMon Oct 11, 2010 3:23 pm

    thanks for the help!!!

  • Applying the caged systemDateTue Oct 05, 2010 7:04 pm

    Ursin, That 2nd video is f-ing killer. Sonically pleasing, Where are the Pebber Brown c.d.'s at my local music store??

  • Applying the caged systemDateTue Oct 05, 2010 6:52 pm

    Ursin, thanx! But I assume that the caged system is called that because its a system of sorts, right? Maybe without getting too crazy, you could explain how this "system" works? Can you dig it!?! Thanks!

  • Applying the caged systemDateSat Oct 02, 2010 10:35 am

    I have watched and practiced ALL of the caged system videos. Does anyone know where to look for the next video set which would be how to apply the caged system? In other words, How does this system work musically, using different notes do you apply this in a musical context, how does it relate or repeat within itself? I know there are other videos out there which try to explain this,,,but I would much rather hear it from Pebber himself instead of being confused by the millions of imposters. Thanks in advance!! I really appreciate it!!

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