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  • Modes ThreadDateFri Sep 20, 2013 10:10 am
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Modes Thread

    So if i understand correctly and oversimplify things.

    You are only playing modally if you stay over one chord vamp. As soon as a cadence kicks in it's over and you have gravitated automaticallytowards a key?

    This means that modes are barely ever used when soloing in rock/pop/contemporary music, instead we just play from different scale degrees with fancy names but stay in one key?

  • Vocals / Piano LessonsDateThu Sep 19, 2013 12:47 pm
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Vocals / Piano Lessons

    Thanks a lot in general guys, you are right i should have written what i was trying to accomplish.
    And do not worry i have been on this forums before ;). And i still have enough of Pebber's Stuff to practice for a lifetime.
    NicholasJacket enjoy your 16 hours :) I have been there before. And this brings me to a point, the voice is probably not an instrument you can push for 16 hours a day. The pianio is. But i probably wont do it.

    Guitar is stil my main instrument. I am branching out becuase i am really getting into composing a lot lately, i am also starting to grasp the theory of how music works.

    For the time being i am not aiming to become a piano virtuoso or audition as a vocalist.
    I do like to listen to Bach and i like classic. But i am glad I do not have the desire to play that.

    What i am looking for in other instruments is: The Pebber approach.

    Which resumed really badly is: a lot of well thought excercises that teach you the basics in the most precise and concise way, so that you can advance in the most efficient way, if you really listen and put the effort in.

    No Bullshit, No "secret" or magic bullets. Just proper technique and the proper way to train it. With this approach you reach a point where you are not always depending on certain secret or advice and instead are able to figure out things yourself, because you engrained the basics perfectly in your brain (or at least you are trying.) But you know what they are.

    I guess it is hard to find something like that. I must say i am spoiled by Pebber.
    Anyways those videos and those suggestions look like a good place to start.
    I would have thought that maybe Pebber or Ursin knew some good musicians with their approach teaching online like Pebber. But I guess for vocals, one does benefit a lot from face to face lessons.

    I must be crazy but i am the type of person that like to do excercises at first. I do not like learning others people pieces, until later on (maybe).

    Glad to see the forum is still thriving with life ^^ and btw Ursin you are turning into such a Rockstar. :)

  • Vocals / Piano LessonsDateMon Sep 16, 2013 11:15 am

    Hi guys, do you hapen to know of a good vocal teacher.
    Guys like Pebber are so hard to find.

    When looking for lessons my bullshit detector goes off so many times, i do not want to learn bad habits or learn from a clown only to realize later that they taught me bs.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Also any help with good Pianists? any good tutorials? I have been branching out a lot lately and finally, getting a lot of compositions in the mid stages. Need to polish some more non gutiar skills and friggin stop fighjting with my daw sometimes, but thats another story.

  • Spiders are not strength dependant, its a brain coordination issue.

    Just do them insanely slow, your ladders will benefit way more from your spiders than your spiders from your ladders.
    Oh and try not to tense up too much when controlling those nasty fingers ;), ideally you want to be able to perform everything with as much relaxation as possible.

    Do the 1,3 - 2,4 everyday.. progress will come sooner than what you might think, afterwards the rest of the spiders are a piece of cake :)

  • Aproach on compound Intervalls Ear trainingDateWed Dec 05, 2012 8:25 am
  • sarod in the bedroomDateMon Nov 19, 2012 8:12 am
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: sarod in the bedroom

  • Paganini techniques (on guitar?)DateWed Nov 07, 2012 5:25 am

    According to this interview his father is totally against improvisation..
    what does his father have to do with his guitar playing? From a lot to everything.

    He believes improvisation does not exist and should not exist in music; Also according to him:

    " in Jazz you may play whatever comes to your head. It’s not music"

    Have a read:

  • Online Singing/Piano Teacher you can recommend ? DateMon Oct 08, 2012 7:42 am

    Before i start on my long journey from discerning the douchebags from the masters, - oh boy is youtube full of crappy guitar teachers - do you you guys know of any Badass Singing And Piano Teachers on youtube ?

    I want to get the basics right so that i dont have to correct bad habits later on. :) Someone honest like Pebber, with a no Bs approach who will not tolerate bad technique or mystify the basics just for profits.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Advertising on iPhone ..DateWed Sep 26, 2012 11:30 am
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Advertising on iPhone ..

    app store ad blocker

  • Advertising on iPhone ..DateThu Sep 20, 2012 12:36 pm
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Advertising on iPhone ..

    A Jailbreak + some kind of Adblocker from the Cydia repository should do it.

  • Diatonic chord fuctions in modes?DateThu Sep 20, 2012 12:27 pm

    You mean you end up coming down to the conclusion that a supposedly modal song is either in a Major or a Minor key, because sooner or later a dominant chord kicks in or a cadence gives it away by defining a minor or major tonality?

    And you probably mean people keep giving explanations about how a song is in the phrygian mode just because the melody or the harmony starts on the 3rd Degree of the scale / mediant chord ?

    *shruggs* It happens, people get into huge arguments because of it... modes is the n word of the music theoricists.. peace.

  • Audio Software ThreadDateThu Jul 26, 2012 11:53 am
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Audio Software Thread

    +1 to Aces post.
    I cannot recommend Ableton highly enough, for creative purposes nothing beats it.
    I recommend you to go into live preferences, record/warp/launch and set the count-in to 2 bars (or anything other than none, else the recording will start immediately after you click the buton with no count-in, i remember this driving me nuts for months when i was a noob)

    Open multiple tracks in session view and record tracks vertically.. take your time understanding how scenes work and are launched and you will open endless creative possibilities since you will no longer be confined by the horizontal way tracks are usually handled.
    It takes time, but it is worth the effort.

    Familiar with touchable already? i ditched my korg pad kontrol and sl mkii keyboard and got one... im never looking back on hardware controllers, the same goes for most guitar amps, sims like Guitar Rig 5 are simply getting way too good, as for drums the samples nowadays are even better than the real stuff.. imo all the old studio gear is pretty much close to death.. getting an expensive daw controller or a mixing console has just become ludicrous: just watch what an ipad and an app can do:

  • Question about effects pedals/stomp boxDateWed Jul 04, 2012 3:44 am

    Lolo @ Paul Gilbert using bluetooth..They use stuff like this
    not their Phones Bluetooth. (but nowadays who knows)

    Its as simple as this to troubleshoot your problem.

    Plug wired headphones in , is there delay ? no ?
    Clear all effects and test your dry guitar tone with your Bluetooth headset, is it delayed ?

    For lagless wireless transfer of guitar signals you usually want/need a more professional solution, even the expensive good quality headphones for other purpouses wont cut it (ive had these and they lagged:

  • Question about effects pedals/stomp boxDateTue Jul 03, 2012 12:09 pm

    connect directly, if that does not fix it, chances are you are not using the updated driver ;)

  • 1-2-4-3 chromatic permutation problemDateMon Jul 02, 2012 12:31 am

    Are you able to do Spider 1,3 - 2,4 effortesly? as well as all set of spiders?
    Remember to relax those fingers as much as you can and start insanely slow at first to really cement things in you brain properly.

  • Classical TechniquesDateMon Jun 18, 2012 9:32 am
    Forum post by Slashiepie. Topic: Classical Techniques

    Thanks for the further clarification Ursin
    You just dissipated every little doubt left i had.. :)

  • Abusive Trolls on You TubeDateMon Jun 18, 2012 3:13 am

    not pathetic at all, i agree about the twisted paths our life takes sometimes :)

    the game itself is not bad or pathetic or anything, it is just a game.. the notion however that people claim they will be able to play just as easily on guitar is the baffling part.. its like kids saying they are great soldiers because they play ego shooters..

    and usually when it comes to dedication they give up, i guess most games are way too easy and rewarding these days.

    I remember beating friggin super mario bros or doom 2 as a kid!! it was so frigging hard and it required one to actually sit down and frigging concentrate XD.. if you fucked up you had to start from the beginning!! nowadays it is just mindlessly press A or click away and let your brain rot (professional gaming such as Koreans and their Starcraft cyber-sport culture aside, those guys actually train around 10 hours a day with professional coaches and they make big bucks through sponsoring and tournament wins.)

  • Abusive Trolls on You TubeDateMon Jun 18, 2012 2:30 am

    Yeah they just spew some random bullshit and go on about their business, they do this on every video they can and just forget about it, they may check some other time if they had a response and of they did indeed tick someone off , they will continue no matter what!
    As you said they will try and have the last word, so arguing with them is pretty consuming and they will only stop if the discussion happens on a forum like this where they can get called out and ridiculed..

    Its not practical to deal with them using logic, they write their comments in less than 30 seconds and if we take them seriously it gets sooo time consuming, on the bright side they usually forget trolling back on comments that didn't get the reaction they wanted.

    Youtube comments are not worth moderating, so as long as stupid comments get forgotten and flagged as the spam they are into oblivion the trolls will move on to other videos where they get a response (my bet is they will join a Slash vs Buckethead argument, you guys would be amazed at the stupid arguments Slash fans use (these are people who actually think that they can play guitar because they can play guitar hero - i'm serious, there are people who seriously think that-

    Not everything is bad though, for every troll there is a person watching the videos , learning as much as they can and being thankful.

  • Abusive Trolls on You TubeDateSun Jun 17, 2012 2:18 pm

    Usually guys like Paul just ignore the comments and leave it up to the viewers to decide... actually there is always some troll posting shit like Paul is just speed (although Paul is really rarely trolled) or Vai is sloppy and sucks or Yngwie is fat and has no feeling.. etc etc.. some day on other forum some idiot trolling actually said Frank Gamble was messy and he didn't know if he could actually sweep pick well because he couldn't hear his guitar clearly!! he was laughed at of course..
    girl playing guitar.. tits/kitchen comment, guys plays fast he is too fast, he sucks, guy playing too slow, he is too slow and thus he sucks, there is always someone starting a guitar brand argument, a pickup or amp debate.. some stupid discussion..
    the point is that no one can escape it!

    Eventually troll comments disappear as they get ignored, voted negatively/ laughed at or marked as spam. (as long as the fanbase has some intelligence)

    Other guys actually take their time to delete or approve the comments (but that would be soooo time consuming and not realistic for you, moderating 500+ videos is way too much)

    I don't particularly like the block the comments completely approach as a viewer or a poster, but I've seen guys who had to do it on occasions where they knew that trolling would be imminent and unstoppable (it reminds me of the time that that creative studio guitar teacher analyzed how coldplay copied satriani and the comments were flooded with idiotic coldplay fans who couldn't even spell a single word correctly, let alone play an instrument but were insulting Satriani, calling him names, calling the dude who posted the video a fag etc etc...)

    I always vote the obvious trolls negatively and flag them as spam, rarely insult them because they get their kicks from negative responses, but i sometimes cant resist a consistent "your trolling attempt has been discovered" "you are an idiot, they are predictable. On the bad side sometimes some people legitimately ask stupid questions and get flagged astrolls.. but i guess that's collateral damage.
    If everyone on this forum does it consistently and votes the good comments up, i guess we could at least keep it down and take away the trolls fun, they'll just continue their journey and troll on other guitarists channel probably Orianthi's :)

    As Frakh said it is sad, but i guess its just typical human behavior... sad but true :)

  • Abusive Trolls on You TubeDateSun Jun 17, 2012 2:04 pm

    Oi that's Tsonic Tsunami (one of the regulars of this forum, our drummer )

    He was actually calling a troll out, what happened is you guys fell for a typical troll move, it goes like this:

    You troll someone and wait for a person with common sense and a desire to call you out on your bullshit to insult your stupidity...
    afterwards you delete your post which makes it seem like the person actually defending the video/comment is just insulting you for no reason.. ;) I thought YouTube unlike stupidbook marked the comment as deleted though..

    Yet again another example of the limitless potential of the internet misused for stupid things.. humanity being humanity..

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